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"What's wrong?" He asked really confused. 

I couldn't reply, I didn't have the answer in an ordered sentence, I couldn't express everything that was rattling inside my head. But neither I had planned to tell him. I looked at my side, looking for the correct answer anywhere, or at least an answer. 

"I'm just, not comfortable yet. You are amazing, it's not that I'm putting any excuse. It's just me" I tried to be as kindest as possible. And it ended up sounding the lamest it could possibly sound. 
He then smiled cutely and nodded. 

"Okay, don't worry" Said he. Comprehensive.  

He looked at his side and a silence invaded us, not a comfortable one if you were wondering.  But just right after I started to overthink if my answer had been good enough he interrupted. 

"Can I hug you?" He asked.  

I smiled very widely just because the sentence had been absolutely the cutest. 

"Of course you can" I opened my arms. 

He embraced me in a soft and warm hug, making a shiver of pleasure run down my body. I felt love, not related with a relationship, but more like a friendly love hugged love or a kissed love. And I hadn't really known how much I had missed one of those true hugs until Harry had put his arms around me.

The hug wasn't coming to an end, but both of us were totally fine with it. He started shaking my body with his big arms getting my heels to lift from the ground and I laughed because of the tickles his hands made on my waist. 

"You are nice" I said. Sounding drunk for no reason and making a full stop after each word. 

"I am not" He simply responded. 

I rolled my eyes at his comment and worked our way back to where we had left our bicycles.

"It's lunch time, but I'm not hungry at all" I confessed feeling even more comfortable now around his presence. Harry hoped on his yellow bike next to me. 

"Me neither to be honest" He replied. Our journey to I don't know where started. 

I loved how the breeze caused by our velocity moved Harry's bangs. The sun was high, but when the sunset appeared every late afternoon, if we got to ride our bikes at the same time, Harry's eyes would light up and form a greenish water around his pupils way prettier than any actual sunset.

We were heading ourselves unconsciously to the river, so when we saw the small water reunion, we both agreed on spending some time over there.

"My parents are probably wondering where I am" I talked and he glanced at me with a funny look. Probably thinking about my continuous obedience and resistance to disorder in my behavior. 

We walked down the rocky hill and reached the small pond that was formed by the natural spring that grows in there.
The serpent-shaped river started from that pond all the way down the province. We took our shoes off and entered our feet in the water, the pleasingly cold water hitting our sweaty feet produced by the village heat at 3 pm. I was probably going to get a sunburn.

I walked around the pond, looking at the different plants that grew by the sides and scaring a little fish as I walked past him. I pulled up with my fingers the hem of my dress so it didn't get wet. Harry was just some meters away from me, concentrated on something he had stuck in his finger and trying to get it out.

"What's up?" I asked him while I approached making the water a bit turbulent. 

"Nothing I got a splinter, but now it's gone" Said he. 

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