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"Ahhhh!!! Stop!!" I shouted when Harry splashed water on me. He kept approaching to me while moving his hands furiously in the water. I tried to swim escaping from him, but one of the pool walls was already behind me and I was completely cornered. My eyes closed so any drop couldn't enter in them, I defended myself blinded by the water trying to reach Harry and make him stop. But I only achieved getting caught by my wrists and made myself a weaker rival.

"Harry! I can't breath!" I said. He slowly stoped and I wiped the water from my face, probably making a mess of my combed brows. I look so awful with messy brows...  
When I was able to see again, Harry of course was in the whole other side of the pool looking at me with a smile plastered on his face. What an idiot...

"I'll take my revenge" I said pointing at him. I wanted to be close to him, but I was too comfortable in my spot where the sun hit directly my body. On the contrary, Harry was in the part where the water looked darker caused by the shade of the tree next to the pool. 

"Are your parents leaving today?" Said he looking at the entrance of the house and frowning. 

"Yep" I told him turning around to see what was happening at the front door that he was so interested. 

I saw my mom saying goodbye to a neighbor and my father filling the car trunk with the suitcases. As I saw they were leaving before lunch, which wasn't planned, I got out of the water, grabbing a towel and going to see the purpose of their unexpected, early leave.
Harry took his time to get out, but he finally surrounded his yellow trunks with the towel he always used and went with me to the main entrance. 

"Hi sweetheart, hi Harry. Are you done with the pool session?" Said my mom with a jacket hanging from her arm. 

"Are you guys leaving now?" I asked. 

"Yes. Dad has more work than the expected and we need those hours, will have to leave now" Explained my mom. 

"Ahhh, okay" I understood. 

"Love, we have to go!" Shouted my dad closing the car trunk. 

"Well honey, we will come back soon. Have fun" Said my mother giving me a lovely hug even though I was very wet. 

"Thanks, I love you" I said to her. 

"Love you too" She responded and I went to my dad's arms giving him a big hug, one of those we gave each other from time to time. It was like hugging a big protective bear. It was amazing. 

"Have a good journey, Mrs. Scott" Said Harry politely giving two kisses to my mom. A tradition that gave him a lot of problems at the time of meeting people when he just had arrived to the country. 

"Thank you Harry, take care of my girl" What the hell had my mother just said? Harry nodded a bit confused and smiled showing his cute dimples.

The truth is that I was falling for him more and more as the summer passed.

Then, my father and Harry shook hands and my parents farewelled my grandparents. When my mom and dad got in the car, Harry and I went back to the pool. The music from the speaker was still sounding and our playlist had a large number of songs after two weeks together. 

"This song is shit, pass it" I said. 

"Hey! Language!" Said him and I raised my brows. Was he really telling me to take care of my words?

"If you're going to swear. Swear properly like...." He started babbling the most heavy insults in Spanish and I quickly swam to him to cover his mouth. I have taught him those and of course, they were their favorite words of the language. He would spit them for no reason and in any case.
My hand was pressed against his mouth and he didn't doubt on licking my whole hand. 

"Harry! Ew!" I said uncovering his lips immediately, glad we were in the water. Even though that sounds disgusting. 

"You gave me no choice" He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and tried to swim back but some hands pulled from my ankles throwing me back to him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Said he with a smile on. You know what smile. 

"Far away from you" I joked trying to get him angry. 

"Aha? Why would you that when I can do this?" Said Harry passing his hands sexily on my sides. 

My body immediately grew goosebumps under his touch and suddenly the pool water was boiling hot. I knew he sensed it, and I knew as well he loved the effect he had on me. The mysterious and quiet Harry had developed a lot during these weeks to a more open and cheeky boy. 

"Harry stop they could see us" I said controlling my voice, I wanted to sound a bit more serious than usual. 

"Your parents have just left" 

"Duh, I've seen that, but not my grandparents" I said placing my hands on his bare chest pushing him away, or making a secure distance between us. His hands were still around my waist.
He ignored my warning and started kissing my neck. During this weeks we have done loads of walks, bike rides, pool sessions, mountain hikes... and as you can imagine, we would make out from time to time during our trips. 

"Harry what if my grandpa see us. Stop" 

"Mhm-mhm" he mumbled and kept on kissing, making me feel better than I would admit.

I looked around and saw that nobody was near, so I brought my lips to his.
He smiled as sign of winning during the kiss, which produced anger in me somehow. Was he proud, or what?
I depended with strength the kiss as a release and he lowered his hands. I had a full sight of his perfect torso, even more tanned than mine. He would catch the sun very easily, surprisingly.

We separated and watched ourselves for some seconds. Eyelashes darkened and bigger pupils could define Harry's face in that moment. His eyes expressed desire but also awe, no fear; no doubt.

Mines, instead, could possibly seem alerted and uncomfortable. I was still thinking about the fact someone could bump on us unexpectedly. These days I've acted way more relaxed than my usual, but I hadn't lost my essence. And my intentions of doing everything good and don't stand out were still my priorities. Harry was the one who misled this almost every single time, but what can I say... it's summer!

My hands were all over his back, his enormous back with a perfect musculature that drove me crazy. 

"You're precious" He whispered. 

He kept saying all those exaggerated adjectives that I didn't know how to take. I didn't even know if he meant them truthfully. But, the nights were sweeter when I remembered every compliment he had given me during the day. Behind that mysterious guy there were very romantic intentions. I didn't imagined he could be this sweet in that way. 

I didn't say anything else but pulled him to me again. My legs surrounded his yellow trunks and the kiss took strength by itself. His lips slid with mines in such an easy way it was even funny. 

"I can't wait for the village festivities" I said between breaths. It was going to be the first time I was excited for that party and I had a great feeling about it. It was going to be an enjoyable tomorrow night.

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