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I just had dinner, something light because I wasn't very hungry. I went upstairs to my room, I loved that room so much. It was just for me, decorated like I wanted, my persona was plastered all over those walls. I have always thought that bedrooms can say lots of things from the owner, and that was clearly my case. Music posters, a whole shelf with my favorite books, some little plants my grandma liked to take care of, the colors of the walls...

I opened the wardrobe and stared at the clothes inside for some seconds. The first day of the festivities had already started and the music sounded loud from the main plaza. What should I wear? I wanted to dress cute, but comfortable. Not an easy combination.

I took a light, little dress and put it on to see how it would fit me. It was a soft blue dress, it reached my leg just right before my knees and was a bit adjusted to my waist. I tried on one more dress, a black one, but the blue was my favorite at the end, made my eyes look brighter. Or at least, that was what my mom always had said every time she had seen me with it. I went downstairs and told my grandparents I was going out with Harry.

"Are you leaving?" Said my granny with a surprised face. Please don't tell me they're not going to let me go to the party.  


"You never go" Replied my grandpa also with a weird face on. Is it that surprising that I want to have fun?

"Never say never" I said as I took my phone from the little table in the living room. 

My grandparents were watching TV while eating some sunflower seeds. I revised my messages and answered to Harry, that had asked me if I was ready to go out. I typed yes and some minutes later he was in front of my porch. 

"Have fun princesa!" I shouted a 'thank you' to my grandparents and closed the front door behind me.

"Hey" I said to Harry. 

"Woah, you look beautiful" I instantly glued my eyes to his, however, his two pupils were plastered all over my body. It wasn't uncomfortable, I actually liked it. Who doesn't like to be admired by others, though. 

"Hey, hey, my eyes are right here" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face. He gasped and looked at me in the eyes. He was wearing a red polo, first time I've seen him that elegant. We had spent our days in swimming clothes or very informal outfits, so it was quite remarkable that he changed it for something more serious. His short trousers finished under his hairy knees and his curls were a mess, like always...

"You look very elegant as well" I said to him and suddenly he became the shy Harry I had met just two weeks ago with a nervous smile on and two cute dimples at each sides of his cheeks. Adorable. 

"Thank you" 

"Let's go and see what is happening at the plaza" I marked my Spanish accent and pulled him from his wrist. The loud music was still playing from the most famous place in the village. He gave me a cute little smile that threw shivers to my body. Why was he so handsome? Like, what did he eat to look like this?

We arrived to the main square and there was a little rock band playing some Spanish old tunes. About six couples dancing, elderly couples, and other people just watching. We were in a corner, the only ones who made the age average a bit lower in this village.

Sorry, the cool village wasn't given to me. All my friends had their own gangs in their towns, the parties were amazing, the laughs... But somehow, I was very happy with my village. I didn't like to be constantly around people, and Harry was quite same, so we adjusted to each other perfectly. Nevertheless, Harry was way more active and cheerful than me, I was sure he was one of the hotties in school, but I was very sure as well that he didn't enjoy all those people around him, or the fame. For what he had told me.

"Told you it was hella boring" I complained.  

"What? This is amazing!" Said him with a perfect grin on his face and a huge amount of sarcasm.  

He then, grabbed my hands and started moving me pulling from one arm at a time. 

"What are you doing?" I said high pitched, sometimes I didn't understand this boy. 


I rolled my eyes and he laughed. He loved making me uncomfortable, with his embarrassing actions and comments that made me blush like a tomato quite often. 

"Stop!" I said laughing because he wasn't stoping doing the silly dance and moving me along.  

"Why? Dancing is fun" He shrugged. 

"I don't like dancing and less like that" I lied.  

"You do like dancing because you do ballet" 

Wait. How did he-

My confused face was enough to make him explain how the hell did he know that if I hadn't commented it once. 

"You bend your toes more than the usual and your standing position is like the ones the ballerinas do. Not talking about your elasticity..." 

I was slightly shocked. He had deduced I do ballet classes just by looking at my toes? 

"You are a stalker" I said frowning but with a smirk. 

"I'm your stalker" 

"C'mon let's go somewhere else" I told taking him from the wrist once again.


"I remember your moon theory you had about me" Harry and I were laid down on the roof. 

It had been exactly two weeks since we went to this same roof and started to get to know each other. A peculiar place to be with someone you had just met. 

"I do as well. You went kind of a philosopher with your stars speech" I giggled. The two weeks seemed so far away, you can't even imagine. 

"Do you still think I have a dark side of the moon?" He asked quite intrigued. 

"Who doesn't?" 

"Today is my birthday" He said. 

"What?!" I shouted and jerked up to my elbows. The roof had to better be resistant enough.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I insisted because he kept looking at the constellations millions of kilometers apart from us. 

"It's not very important" He was unbelievable...

"It is!" 

"Why? It happens every year" Said he calmly. 

When I though I had a perfect picture of him, an ideal description of his personality, he went and... Boom!
Said something that completely broke my perception of him.

"Wow. You're a big boy now, huh. Do you notice it? No, like listen... wow oh my god" I started dramatizing and moving around, he just stared at me confused. 

"Do you hear it?" I repeated. 


"Your man's voice" I said in the deepest note I could reach. 

"Shut up!" He lightly shoved me with his elbow. 
He showed his smile. His perfect lined teeth, white like the moon I had compared him with.

I laid down again next to him, close to him. He was completely absorbed by the stars and wouldn't stop looking at them. However, my case wasn't exactly the same. His jawline and his long eyelashes had me wondering thousand dreams. 

"You're creepy" He whispered and turned his angelic face to me. 

"I'm just enjoying the views" I winked at him making him smirk and brush his nose with his thumb because it itched. 

His eyes followed the edge of my nose, but got stuck in my lips. My pupils copied the movement, and leaned over to what I desired the most to kiss.
Harry's upper lip brushed my bottom lip. It was a peaceful kiss, a loving one, the ones you give slowly to show your love as strongly as you can. That type of in-love kisses. 

"Happy birthday" I said softly as my hand caressed his tanned cheek. 

"Thank you"

Do not ever underrate the power of the stars.

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