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I jumped the little fence of the park and got closer to Harry swinging in the old park facilities. He instantly lifted his head and noticed me. 

"Hi" I said shyly, the kiss was still replaying in my head. I can't take it out of my mind. In fact, I know I was slowly starting to crave for his lips. 

He smiled softly, like he always does slightly showing his cheek valleys, and greeted me.
I was going to sit on the other swing but, in a quick move he stood up faster than I managed to transform the other swing into my chair. 
He was wearing a different outfit. The storm had left our clothes like they had one of our baths in the pool. So I guess both of us got changed when we arrived home. 

His legs had some denim shorts that covered his thighs and left bare his knees. A Rolling Stones t-shirt on him, which looked really cool. Yes, cool is the word. Well, everything he wore fit him perfectly, no need to say that. 
I was in some white shorts and I had a squared crop top on, leaving my belly naked. The shirt showing part of my clavicles and shoulders, probably my most confident part. 

"I've got a place for our walk tonight" Said he and started walking heading out of the park.
I didn't move just looked how he got out of the outdoor venue. His back was manly big, just like the first time my eyes posed on it that day we all had lunch. An interesting contrast with his bunny teeth I only had the pleasure to see very rarely. 

"Are you coming?" Asked him with a big smile and some optimism that made the overthinking fade for some too short seconds. 

I didn't say anything just approached him and jumped the fence again as we started our walk directed by him. Like a movie, non of this felt real. 

Out of the blue, an idea quickly crossed my mind, speeding my brain and kind of unexpected. For some reason I knew that as weird at it seemed for me to suggest such thing, I knew it wasn't going to be that odd to him. Actually, I had faith he would love the idea.

"Harry, what if we go to the bar and grab some beers?" His head turned to me fast and his face really, really surprised for good, I hoped.  

"Hell Yeah, I see you are learning fast good gi-" He didn't dare to finish the sentence under my threatening stare. 

"So you were saying?" I arched a brow. 

"Sorry sorry, let's go for the drinks" He concluded.

We entered the bar, I said hello to a man there. 

"One of my grandpa's lads" I told Harry. He didn't look lost surrounded by all this Spanish people at all, that didn't understand him nor he could know what they were cheerfully spitting out of their mouths. 

"Dos cervezas, por favor" I said to the woman at the other side of the bar. 

She didn't want at first because she knew I was one year underage. But I finally convinced her about it and not telling my family either. Lucky me, none of my parents or grandparents came around the bar often.

We got out, Harry already sipping from the greenish and star logotyped bottle. 

"Okay, follow me" He said. 

I swallowed a bit from my refreshing drink in hand and did as he told, seeking his steps behind him. 

We started walking and entered in a side street, just in front of the bar. He went right, then left, and right another time, kept going and made infinite more changes in our directions. We walked some stairs  right up until he stopped and I realized we had arrived.  

"How do you know the way to this?" I said to him. I've been coming to this village since I have the ability to walk and I've never been able to adapt myself to the streets this fast. 

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