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The only sound I could hear was me taking deep breaths and my fingers tapping on the keys of my laptop. Luckily, I was the only one in The Roar and I could focus on the announcement of this week's match I was writing for the newspaper. However, I had to meet Harry today and make a selection from all the pictures he had taken for the same announcement I was writing. He was now taking those pictures, at least, I hoped so. I wished he was doing his work and not kissing any girl in the back of the gym. 

Someone knocked the door, that was already open. 

"Hey!" Jo said as I turned my head to her and Hannah from the chair I was lounged on. 

"Hiii" I said saving my words clicking a button and getting up from my seat. Both of girls posed their asses on one of the tables, resting on them. 

"We just came to visit you and show you the pictures from the party, have you started collecting ideas for the contest?" Jo asked. She dig into her bag and took out some cool pictures from last Friday's night. 

"Girls, I knew from the contest just yesterday. I didn't have time" I said as I passed the pictures smiling at the weird faces Zayn made in all of them. They knew how important this was for me and I appreciated their interest with my whole heart. Just like I appreciated Liam's interest the day I didn't want to talk about my lame summer novel at Handy's. 

 I took my phone and used my camera to make a copy of all  the printed pictures, keeping them like that on my gallery. 

"We look nice in this one" I said considering to post it in social media or print it to have it on my room with a frame and all. I really liked that one. 

"Yeah, I like that one too. Isn't Harry supposed to help you, where is he?" Asked Hannah, changing subject. 

"Yeah, he left to take some pictures we need" I avoided to say that I wasn't sure if he was truly obeying his duty. 

"Well, we'll leave you working while we go and do our nails or snack a whole combo of pancakes at Handy's" Said Jo trying to make me jealous and convince me to go with them. 

"I need to finish this. It's just so simple, I don't wanna leave it for the end when I can close and post the announcement this same afternoon" I said betraying my heart but knowing it was stupid to leave it. Besides, I had already arranged with Harry that plan. When I was the only one in The Roar, deciding how to program things according to my social life was an advantage. Now, I had to count with Harry and I selfishly didn't want to do that. Or in other words, I worked better alone. 

"Wow, look how many sweet ladies we have in here" Said the idiot entering the room with his camera bag hung from his left shoulder. He had a grey jumper that looked very good on him (like everything) but again and like he always did, he dirtied that beauty by opening his annoying mouth. 

"We're actually leaving now but, thanks for the compliment" Said Hannah with irony and a fake smile. Harry smiled to them with this froggy face he always did when his jokes weren't well taken by others and followed my friends with his pervert stare until they disappeared completely in the school's hallway. 

"You have the photos?" I asked him crossing fingers as he left his bag on the table where Jo and Hannah had been seated and combed his hair to the side with his fingers. 

"Yes my lord" 

He sat next to me and we plugged the camera card into my laptop. Thousands of items appeared inside the blue folder he had clicked and Harry took control of the mouse pad. 

He tried to scroll fast so I didn't get to see his whole gallery but, I managed to see something, something I had been wondering for a day or two and that I had forgotten by now. 

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