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I arrived to the place, the music so loud that for the last three minutes I had been walking to get there, I was able to hear it. I heard it faded, as if it was underwater but, I could even distinguish the song. The house, I didn't even know the owner -probably one of those guys from the basketball team- was huge. I came by my own, my house was just two streets away. To any other party, we usually get ready together, Jo, Hannah and I, I mean. This time I had preferred to stay longer writing in The Roar. 

When I crossed the front door, I began looking for my friends. I tried to spot them before having to message or call. There were drinks all over the place, no doubt all those had been bought by the basketball team and cheerleaders. The same guy who always plays the music was in the DJ spot. I mentally laughed remembering that time Zayn told us he wanted to be a DJ when he was little. DJ Malik... 

I didn't find Jo or Hannah, but I did bumped into my special and loved one photographer. 

"Oh, you finally came" Harry said with drink in hand. By the size of his pupils you could tell he was already tipsy. It didn't surprise me, the 'let's get drunk' type of personality suited him. Why did he give a shit if I had arrived or not, though?

"Yeah" I just said forcing my lips into an awkward smile. It was just weird to see Harry out of the school. 

He looked at me from the top to the bottom without any type of discretion. I arched my brow, he smirked. 

"Those tight jeans good look on you" He said. 

"Bye Harry" I started walking in any other direction wishing to finally get to see my friends, or any of the boys. I knew Harry only did that to make me uncomfortable, he didn't even think his words, not to mention he also lied every time he said those kind of things. 

"Hey!" I heard Zayn's voice just before turning around and seeing how all of them were sitting between the counter and marble aisle the kitchen had. 

I smiled happy that I had localized them, I was starting to get nervous all alone surrounded by almost drunk students with zero idea of what fun looked like. I loved parties, in fact, who didn't like a good party? Only the guys from the technology class, and only some of them. But getting drunk until passing out wasn't my favorite activity, to be honest. Harry, for example, was one of those who found the purpose on it. 

"Hey, wassup?" I said sitting between Zayn and Jo. 

Niall had a big smile on and was laughing about something Hannah had said, Liam also paying attention. The boys were in their usual clothes but Hannah and Jo had some little dresses that made them look like actual goddesses. I know, I know, I am a bit exaggerated but, I swear they looked amazing. 

I sat between Jo and Zayn, basically where there was enough room to plant my ass. And kept my phone in the back pocket of my jeans now that they were secure from anyone stealing it.  

"Look at this" Said Jo showing me the object between her hands. 

"This is so cool" I said taking the disposable camera from her and looking through the viewfinder of it. 

"My mom was cleaning up stuff from the basement, she gave it to me" 

"Can I?" I said asking if I could take a pic. Jo nodded and posed for me. 

"Hey, I want to be in it" Said Zayn getting beside Jo. They made a good couple, to be honest. Looking at them through the viewfinder confirmed it. But Jo was too in love with Niall to even talk to her about any other guy. 

I flashed them with the camera and gave it back to Jo. We couldn't see the pics until Jo revealed them. It was Friday, very surely she would have them past the weekend. 

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