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I woke up, did the usual and now I was in the same grass where I usually sat after a pool session. I laid down there, with my belly pressed down on the grass writing in my old-fashioned notebook.

My grandma María was reading in the porch, her legs stretched under the sun tanning under it. My parents probably in their house doing whatever, they visited the uncle Francisco yesterday and had brought some cheese he gave them, delicious...

It was around midday, I wasn't in the mood for a bath now, nor taking the bike.
I played with the idea of going to the river, but being the lazy ass I am, I took the possibility off of my mind.

I wondered what was Harry doing, was he at the river? Was he in the bakery? Was he still asleep?

My grandma decided to close the book  for a whole and head to the bakery, probably wanting to have a chat or gossip with Trini because she insisted she wanted to go herself.

I wanted to go as well and maybe see Harry, but of course I wasn't going to say that to my granny. And there was a big chance I wouldn't see him. So I changed my position on the grass and kept moving the pen swiftly all over the paper pages.

Lunch went good and tasted amazing, as always.
But during the whole morning I had a weird sensation, a strange feeling had took me over.
It was something I didn't know I would sense in my village summertime.

I had no problem being all by myself, enjoying the quiet peace of the small town. But since I had a friend here, It felt like a space was left empty when he wasn't around. And he didn't even talk much!

It was pool time and I already had my bikini on, I entered the house took something and then came back to the porch so I could finally refresh inside the water with heterogeneous temperature.
As I closed the front door of the house and I saw someone in his yellow trunks in the middle of the porch, just right in front of the sofas where my grandma had been reading this very morning.

"Oh" I said. His stare posed all over my body that carried a blue bikini.
"Hey hey" I said snapping my fingers.
He then, continued looking straight but in my eyes.
"I brought the speaker" Harry said lifting his hand a bit and showing it.
"Nice, I see you did the homework Styles" I said unlocking my phone asking him about the Bluetooth and all that.

"Okay, but I want to choose songs too" conditioned he as we walked the four steps of the stairs that lead to the black fence of the pool.
"Okay" I opened the fence of the pool and both of us entered after we have left the towels hung from it.

I started playing a random playlist I had with quality songs in it.
Smoke on the water by Deep purple started playing through the tiny holes of the speaker, one of my personal favorites.
Harry was positioned in his usual wall, his elbows on the edge and his head down low, facing his feet underwater.
I saw him smiling almost laughing, and then shook his head side to side with a grin.
"I love this song" He said and separated his back that was glued to the wall.
"Masterpiece" I rolled my eyes.

I was placed in the middle of the pool, just playing with the water with my arms and legs, letting the summer consume me.
He took his first movements in days and got a bit closer to me.
His nude torso showing, taking my death for granted every time I dared to focus on him and his body.
"Smoke on the waterrrrr a fire in the skyyyy" He started singing smiling very wide, provoking me some giggles.
I started singing along and as the song kept playing, the adrenaline of the music filled us with such and embarrassing motivation that we ended up jumping in the water and moving our heads like actual rock stars.

"Jesus" He sighed when the song muted and I laughed one more time.

What the hell has just happened?

We kept singing to some songs and he showed me some I hadn't heard before, I liked them and added them to a new playlist.

Yes, I made a brand-new playlist just for our songs, I though that when the summer ends, it would be a good memory. Besides, I needed new music.

For what I had learned in the pool, Harry had a very fun part of himself. But literally hilarious, spontaneous comments, goofy anecdotes...

We got out of the swimming rectangle, sat a bit on the grass and then I entered inside the house to prepare something to eat. Being in constant movement inside the pool really tired me and every time I got out, I felt lion hungry. And Harry, being the 17 year old boy he was, I bet he did as well.

I placed in the breakfast table a plate of cucumber slices with some salt in it, I told him to come. He approached and sat in front of me.
We both sat with our swimwear and the towels around our hips so we didn't wet the chairs.

He looked at me weirdly.
"What kind of snack is this?" He said taking a slice and putting it in his mouth.
"Shut up, I love it" I admitted.
"What? Cucumber?" I nodded, his face was a confused parody.
However, while keeping his funny look plastered on his gorgeous face, he grabbed another slice.
"See? You like it"
"It's just... because I don't want to be rude, I bet you prepared it with so much love" He joked finding the worst excuse ever.
"Oh what a wonderful person you are, huh?" He innocently agreed, his dimples showing. I was already so done with his beauty.

I brought some glasses of water and we finished the cucumber slices quickly.
"Do you want to go with the bike somewhere?" Asked him shyly.
"Okay" I rapidly got excited.
"Okay" He laughed at I don't know what.
"Where do you wanna go?"
He had his right elbow placed in the table and his chin touching the palm of his hand, resting his head's weight on it.
He looked at me and put his index finger on his lips, rubbing it softly whilst thinking of an answer to give.
"I don't know, let's explore" He mumbled.
I pursed my lips upwards completely surprised by his desire on restless activities around the village.

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