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"This all belongs to the family" I explained to him as we observed the wide field full of ordered vines. 

His eyes plastered on the tiny trees, which were full of small balls meant to be grapes in a near future, only some had matured.

I looked at him and watched if any response or any look would confess anything of what he was thinking about in that moment. 

"I sometimes like to come here, have a walk, and eat some grapes" I rolled my eyes a bit and he smiled at me. 

"It's beautiful" He simply said meaning it. 

I let fly bike fall to the ground lifting a mist of dust from the soil and started walking forward entering in one of the paths between two rows of vines. He understood he could follow me in the walk and I asked him if he had been in any vineyard before. 

"I haven't actually" His accent again very noticeable. 

"Well, now you have" I turned around and smiled to him, then again, kept walking straight minding my own business. 

The grapes were starting to be purple and some of them tasted delicious already but, the majority were raw and sour.

I saw five grapes placed together that looked in the right time for eating them, I took three and placed it on my hand. 

"Close your eyes" I said to Harry stopping my legs and making him quit too.

He doubted for a second but, did as I told him to. 

"Open your mouth" I ordered. 

What if I kissed him right now instead of feeding him the grape? I thought to myself, but that was too risky. And cringing.
I took the biggest purple ball from my hand and placed it in his tongue.
He trusted me and then began to chew the juicy fruit. 

"Oh god, tastes really good" He widened his eyes. I knew he would exclaim that, my grandpa had a special type of grapes that for sure Harry hadn't tried before. They were specific grapes for specific wine.

"Want another one?" I asked showing him my palm with two grapes. 

"Mhm-mhm" He nodded taking one from my hand, a shiver running through my spine just with the little contact of his fingers touching my skin. 

I picked up a grape too and ate it, it was absolutely amazing, just the texture, the juice, everything that grape had in it tasted like paradise.

I started to pull out some leaves that seemed useless for the plant and other grapes that I entered in my mouth, forgetting completely about Harry's presence. There were times in which I would have connected so much with the nature, that I had forgotten the things or the people surrounding me. And I was so focused in choosing the right grapes that I thought I was the only human stepping on the Earth.

This feeling invaded me until I heard a click of a camera, the eye of the object blinking at a fast move. 

"Did you just take a photo of me?" I asked Harry that was looking into the screen of the camera, his hand placed on top of the screen trying to make any shade so he could see it better and his face showing struggle. 

"What, me?" He asked looking behind him, pretending there could be somebody else in the kilometric land apart from him. 

"Yes you" I stabbed him with my index finger. 

"What if I did?" He said all cocky. 

"Well... at least let me see it" 

"No, don't feel so important, I just made the pic to the grapes" He explained embarrassing me but provoking a roll eye that obviously provoked him a grin. 

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