Carnival - Tianshan

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One day

He tian wanted to whoo mo.

Everyday seemed more and more impossible due to the redheads passive aggressive behavior.

He tian, on the other hand, never even considered giving up on his momo.

Guan Shan deserves happiness and he tian wanted to be the one who gave it to him.

He had to think.


He tian was sitting on the court yard bench, he was thinking of what he could do to make guan Shan realize that he was cared for and loved.

He couldn't be too extreme, after all the redhead would get flustered too easily.

"Oi chicken dick, you coming or not?"

He tian felt a small pebble hit his head.

When he had turned to see the attacker he was surprised to see his little mo with his arms crossed, waiting for him.

"Aww little mo cares about me~" he teased while enjoying he beautiful shade of red guan Shan was turning.

"FUCK OFF!" Guan shan exploded into his usual angry self, "LETS JUST FUCKING GO, ASSHOLE!"

He tian chuckled.

It was definitely amusing seeing how his redhead flustered easily.

"Alright, Alright, lets go~"

He tian wrapped his arm around his little mo's shoulder, proud that the redhead didn't attempt to shake his arm off.

This was progress.

"Where the hell did you say we were going again?" Guan Shan asked keeping his eyes facing forward.

"It's a surprise~"

"I hate surprises." Guan shan mutters.

He tian heard the redheads quiet mutter.

As much as he wanted to tell the redhead what his plans were, he knew he couldn't. It would only scare off the poor redhead.

He wanted to take things slowly.

Guan Shan doesn't like surprises.

He had learned that lesson when he shoved his tongue inside the others throat.

And the last thing he tian wanted was to see the sensitive redhead cry again.. because of him.

"Don't worry, little mo. It's nothing bad." He tian whispers into the others deliciously red ears. "Just trust me."


It had been a quiet walk but, they had finally reached their destination.

He tian was quick to pull guan Shan into the huge entrance that read,


Despite guan Shan protests of being pulled along, he tian ignored them and paid for their tickets.

19 Days one shots Where stories live. Discover now