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I couldn't stop smiling  , I know being in love was not part of my plan damn it felt good. I took a long bath and  couldn't wait to meet Raphael . He said he was taking me to his house. I'm sure we all know what goes down when your man takes you to his house.

I wore the most unattractive clothes I had which is an oversized t-shirt  and oversized 3/4 shorts. I tied my look into pig tails and smiled at my perfection in the mirror.

I sat in my living room watching judge Judy then I heard a knock  on the door. I knew it was him. I got up and opened my door.

"What the fuck are you wearing." Was all he said.

"Clothes and that's not the right way to greet your mate." I said walking to the car.
The whole ride he kept on roasting me because of my dressing.

"You look like one of those girls from the 90s that perfected the whole tomboy act."

"Ahhh your face did a baby steal your candy?"

"Ohhh my gosh , can I take a picture of you, cause I love taking pictures of natural disasters."

"That's it say one more roast and I'll Jackie Chan your ass." I threatened

"Hmmm let's see which roast will make you explode." He thought out loud.

"Iwe ndokumamisa ." Which means I will beat you so bad .

"Tsek  kambudzi.." Ohhh God please tell this idiot didn't just call me a goat.

"Ok that's it." I used my witch powers to stop the car and lower his seat. Then I jumped on him and began punching his face.  He didn't hit me back because he dodged all of my punches. I groaned and then laid on top of him.

"You are so frustrating, How did you move your head like that?"

He smiled and we looked deep into each others eyes.

" You are so beautiful do you know that."

"I know it now." My cheeks were red , I have chocolate skin and cheeks are fucking red.

"We have to go , I have a lot to show you." He said
I got off him and put my seatbelt on.

He turned on the radio and NASTY C , WHIPPED was on the radio. I sang along if though I was wayyyy  of tune. When the song finished I finally asked

"How old are you?"


"How old am I?"

"Gen you are 23"

SO if any of y'all are wondering how I was in high school at 23 , I had to go into hiding after I kind of exposed myself at this university.

We reached this cabin in the woods. Fuck-!!!!! He wants to kill me maybe he didn't have the balls to reject me so he is killing me instead. I started praying in my heart.

He laughed and laughed and laughed.
"I'm not going to kill you jeez  I'm not on that level yet."

"Oh so you are not on that level yet meaning you intend to kill me."

"With love of course like duh." He said smiling.

Ohhh my goulash that smile, I'm fangirling over my mate. Get your hormones together gen.

"Shinseki bakma." When he said that a shield fell down and it  revealed another kingdom or geographical area, whatever you name it.

He drove at full speed then we were in a forest area but nice fancy houses. We stoped at this big gate with a metal wolf on it that had a crown. I know that symbol.

"Dancing fuck nuts you didn't tell me you were royalty like what the he'll dude." I said punching his arm with every word I said.

"That didn't hurt." Was all he said.

"Ohhh Mr that didn't hurt go fuck a cactus and tell me if that doesn't hurt." I said rolling my eyes. As we drove to the house or whatever he chuckled.

"You know what fuck you." Was what I said.

Once a mansion came into view my jaw dropped mentally but I kept my poker face. He opened the door for me and I remained in the car. If we were being assholes  today then why not join the creator.

"Get out of the car Gen please, I beg you  on my favourite shades, please get out." He begged.

I got out and he linked my arm with his. I didn't bother keeping the rich elegant posture I let my arm hang like it was dead.

"Why are you acting like this Gen?"

"You never told me you royalty, at least a heads up walnut."

"You have to meet my mother she is the study she is dying to meet you."

"Why are you changing the subject."

"We are here." He said opening the doors to this so called study.

"Is this my future daughter-in-law, wow by your scent I can tell what you are all about." She said

"It's a blessing to meeting you Mrs Romero,  you are quiet a catch unlike your son here." I said elbowing Raphael .

She laughed and said,"Well he will tell you somethings future luna-." Then I fainted.

Raphael P.O.V

She surprised me with her dressing , which is a really gutsy move,  then she climbs on me. I tell her she is  beautiful  with her attempts to punch me it caught me in lust mode. Then she punches me because I didn't tell her  I was alpha , she befriends my mom and then faints once she hears the word Luna.

This woman is confusing.

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