"I do"

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Random song : I do ft Amanda black.


Today was the day they were going to get married, they took long showers and prepared for a milestone in both of their lives. Raphael was nervous and he wore his suit shipped from Milan the home of fashion. He smiled in the mirror Raymond  Kevin and a few of his good buds and little brother were his groom's men.

He brushed his teeth twice put on Gens favourite cologne as he said his vows in his head. "Bud today is the day that will change your life forever, I know y'all are mates but it seems like she loves you like there is no mate pull." Raymond said.

He nods because he wants his wife to hear his voice. His groomsmen leave and prepare for the ceremony.

Gen on the other hand is clam outside but nervous as fuck inside. She wore here dress which was designed by more than two designers her dress was so beautiful , that if looked like the fashion god's crafted it themselves. She no longer had her locks but her long natural hair, ruled with pin and diamonds. Her mother was on the verge of crying. Rhonda was her best girl, her sister's and cousins were her bridesmaids.

"You look stunning my baby, I love you, and he loves you more, you love him very much don't you Gen." She nods at her father's words.

"Well I'm glad you do cause I'm rooting for grandchildren." He jokes. The bride maids left for the ceremony.

The bride maids and groomsmen maid their grand entrance with a small act that entertained the crowd. After a few minutes Raphael walked in with his mother walking him down the isle. He stood were the priest was and felt everyone eating him with their eyes. Soon the music changed and the bride walked in slowly with her father.

Raphael couldn't take his eyes off her though the veil was covering her face. Everyone loved her dress and the decoration at the venue. She kept her eyes on Raphael everyone could feel the love they had for each other. Her father hands her over to Raphael and whispered, " She is your responsibility, love and cherish her, promise." Raphael nodded and led Gen to the alter.

"Today we are gathered to celebrate the holy matrimonial union of..." I'm sure you know how this goes.

"Say your vows."

"From the day I laid my eyes on your I knew you were mine, you give me so much peace , love and laughter. I love you so much to the heavens and back. God put us together, you showed me love you taught me love. I promise to love and protect you through the good and bad, Mudiwa  wangu(my love). I love your lips, curves, your words , every ounce of your mind body and soul." Raphael say looking at Gens eyes through the veil.

"Today I'm giving you my word that I will always be your girl, I'll be your best friend I'll never hurt you, I will always be there for you. That's from the bottom of my heart and I love you, like crazy. Through the good and bad I will be there. My love for you is like the ocean never running dry yet soft and strong. I love you now and forever, mind body and soul." Gen finishes whilst looking in his eyes. They were both about to cry.

"Do you Mr Romero take Genesis Kitara Hynand as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold in the good and bad?"

"I do."

"Do you Genesis Kitara Hynand take Raphael Leonardo Romero as your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold in the good and bad?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." Raphael lifted the veil and kissed his wife with love and passion.

"Hey this still a wedding not a hotel room." Raymond shouted causing the to laugh. They walked down the isle and went for their wedding pictures then to the venue. The walked in hand in hand and sat at the table.

"I love you." They both said at nice causing them to laugh. They danced to the songs and soon got tired they thanked everyone for coming and heartwarming speeches were said.

They got in their car and drove to the airport ready for their surprise honeymoon. The boarded the day and collapsed on the seat s and slept.


I am a married woman yessssssss. I'm loving every minute of it Raphael is still asleep and we are still on the jet. I checked my suitcase to see what clothes my mother in law and my mom packed. I groaned as half of it was full of lingerie and bikinis. I only had a summer dress and shorts and a tee as clothes.

I walked back to Raphael and sat in his lap. I felt his arms snake around my waist. "You're awake my husband."

"You're gorgeous my wife." He says kissing my neck.

"Where do you think we are going?" I ask.

"I really don't know, but as long as it's with you I'm fine."

I lean in and kiss him slowly, I change my position so I straddle him. He grabs my boob causing me to moan and he slides his  tongue in. My hands stroke over the hardness in his jeans causing him to let out a small moan. Just as I'm about to unzip his pants.

"Alpha and luna we will be landing in 10 minuets please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing. We do as the pilot says. Whilst Raphael groans and burns holes in my head with his eyes that wanted us to continue.

We land and take our suitcases we get of the jet and are blindfolded. We are led to a car and we drove in silence. I was just thinking of all that lingerie I need to go shopping first thing.

The car stops and we are led out and told to remove our blindfolds. I scream and jump as I see were we are. MAURITIUS BABY!!!-!-.

"No fucking way." I hear Raphael whisper. We get into the resort and are led to our hut ocean room.

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