"Peace at last"

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All I could do was sleep and I couldn't go to my apartment cause it was under the royal guard so I spent my nights in a community park. My phone beeped.

"Hi Kim how are You?"

"Hmmm how am I you aren't  at your apartment and there guards there thinking you are inside so, what is going on?!?!?"

"Meet me at the Chinese take out." I hung up and walked to the take out.

Kimberly was already there.

"So tell me before I explode" She had already ordered food.
I told her everything."Can you believe that douche bag." I finished.

"Well you can stay with us."

"Who is us , and why aren't you surprised with the werewolf thing."

"My bae  and I,  and I'm also one sooo."

"You little rat why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

We both laughed and I fell asleep on my ride to Kim's house.

"We are here wake up." I stretched my arms and yawned. I got out of the car.

"So where are We?"

"Pack lands."

"Is it far from his royal highnesses  house."

I smiled and followed Kimberly in. Something was a bit off but I didn't put it aside I wanted this to unfold.

I got introduced to her bae Michael. I got a box of pizza and went to my room. "Peace at last. " I sighed as a took a bite from  my pizza.

Around six pm I started feeling pain all over my body. I tried using some spells to cool off my body but it didn't work. My head started pounding , Ohhh not this again. I closed my eyes and I saw a room, it was fancy there were some moans very loud, I turned around and saw Raphael,  my wolf was angry, my witch was too. Then I woke up. I ran downstairs and said,"Is there a five star hotel nearby."

"Yeah it's 10 miles from here." I nodded and used my transportation spell. There were guards but they left me to enter the building. My dark side was completely open. "Miss may I help." The receptionist asked.
"Yes I'm the body guard for the alpha  I need to inform him, he is in danger."
"Room 678." I nodded and went I  the bathroom.

I teleported to the floor the room was on. I was floating in the air with my locks flying up the guards guarded the door and tried attacking me , made them fly in mid air and froze them.

I opened the door with my powers and growled as I flew in. "If you wanted my attention you could have just told me." I looked for my mate but he was unconscious  and two naked bitches were on top  of him.

"Well well well what do I have here, two witches raping the Alpha." I growled.
They all ran towards me and I threw the one on my left to the wall and let a knives surround her. I jumped on the other one and twisted her shoulder then put pressure on it. She tapped out but I didn't let go. After she begged five times I spun her around so she could face me and I punched her.

"Don't. Ever . Think . About . The . Alpha. Again." I said whilst punching her.I stood up and went to the one with knives surrounding her, I started kicking her ribs until I heard a crack,  then I threw her on the floor. I saw they had the same symbol on their necks so I asked,"Who sent You?"

They didn't reply so I froze one of them and then, twisted the others shoulder and but pressure on it. "Answer me right now!." I pulled her arm she screamed. "Dehalia sent us she wants information on the pack so she can overthrow the werewolves since he is king of all Alpha's." I nodded and let her go.

"Go now Ohhh um rectulia." That was a memory spell all they can remember now is drugging Raphael. They left the hotel room and I dressed Raphael  and went to the clinic. "Hi umm my brother needs a drug test please." He  went through the whole procedure and it turns out he had the take drug in his system.

"You need to take care of him miss because this medication will help empty the drug only through vomiting and tomorrow hangover will kill him." I nodded and went back to the hotel I took his car drove him to the mansion. I put him in bed and took a chair and watched him sleep.

This child is so handsome coming to think of it his skin is flawless with his curly hair dangling over. He had nice long eyelashes, his lips are plum, but he didn't look at peace with himself.

"Owwwww my head." I woke up to the sound of a 26 year old man acting like a child. Be kind gen.

"Here you go." I said handing him painkillers and water. I helped him drink the water. He went to sleep again. "Gen I think I'm gonna-" I put the bucket near his mouth and rubbed his back as vomited. I gave him mouthwash once he used it he slept again. Then his phone rang.

"Uhuh" was all he said. Then the person mumbled  for a long time  on the phone.

"She did What?!!?!" Then some more talking.

"Okay bye."

I looked at the ceiling , knowing the news he had just received.

"So the fight, what was that for."

"Close your eyes." He closed his  eyes and I put my hands on the side of his head and showed him everything  that happened. Guess what his first question was.

" So did they rape me?"

"Unfortunately they didn't. " He jumped in his bed and then said he was going to take a shower.

Heyyy what do you think

Random song : Baby ft joeboy


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