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Random song : the one ft Elaine


"I King Alpha Raphael announce Genesis as Queen Luna of the werewolf society." The room was full of claps. We got down and had the first meal. I spoke to few people here and there and then felt tired. Raphael and I were so tired we slept in our clothes.

I could feel and touch him. We are one and nothing can break us, we have fought the fight against whores and demons, jumped of cliffs and falls together. That's how strong our love is.

I woke and Ralph had gone for alpha duties whilst I attended to my luna ones. Since I and a master's in international relations and law. I was elected to the werewolf  council of elders.

"No she can't join the committee she is not of our kind." I heard someone say.

"Why just because she is black, and our alpha is native American, that's absurd , you should see that black is not bad it's bold." Another says.

"Yeah dude look at how many black people are rogues because most packs rejected them for their color." That pained my heart. I walked out and went to the council and asked for information on rogues. I got what I wanted and tracked them down all in one day.

"Hey babe what's up." Ralph asks.

"Well I over heard some people talking well about how I'm black..." I told him everything.

"Okay so what has that to do with rogues." He asks.

"So 10000 rogues are black right, and they got banished for petty issues most being theft, so I dug deeper and saw why they stole things, it's because whenever they asked they got ignored because of their skin so the got tired of asking and took." He nods showing me to go further.

"So you know how you said you want to start an elite program like for training the elite to be elite, why not start with these rogues." I say convincily.

"Look babe if we bring a child into the world they are going to be mixed we need to make sure they will be safe when we are gone and we start now." I say touching his shoulder.

"Okay fine, I'll contact the rogues." He says.

"I love the effort but maybe I should you know, cause I relate on a whole other level." He nods and we start making phone calls. I cook up dinner and we go to sleep.


"Okay we have gathered all 10k rogues now let's hope this works." Ralph says nervously. We show the rogues the island we rented and how they are to be trained they loved it ,we left.

"Babe, I'm craving for , biltong and pizza." I say whining. He orders the food.

"Owwwwww babyyyyy."

"Ok Gen  you look like a hot air balloon you have been eating a lot for the last couple of months I think it's time to slow down." He says seriously.

"Fine you know what, I'm going to the pack doctor, for help since you called me a pig." I start crying. He rushes over to me and we drove in silence.

We reached the hospital and got an instant check up.

"Okay so, you will be due in two weeks." The doctor says.

"Am I dying so I have cancer?" I ask worriedly.

"No luna enough with the jokes, you are four months pregnant and since it's an alpha child it grows faster than usual." Both Ralph and I eye gawk at the doctor.

She leaves and says she will be back so we can have a scan. "Dude." Was all we manned to say.

"How did we not know." Was what I said.

"Oh fuck  how I could I forget, when you told me about that clakinoras I cast a spell that would make it seem like like you aren't pregnant,  like you don't show signs or symptoms." Ralph says. I nod knowing how protective he is.

"Ok so let's do the scan shall we?" We both nod. She puts the gel and we see the baby. We both gasp.

"There is the baby,  look what's here....God another baby, well you are having twins a girl and a boy." She says happily we clean off the jelly. She leaves.

I jump into Ralph's arms and cover him kisses whilst saying thank you.

"For what?"

"I always prayed to have twins ever since I was young." I say grinning.

"Well I guess we have some shopping to do and some designing for our little angels."

We drove to the mall and bought clothes we got home and Ralph made the announcement. My mom cried over the phone and said we should have a baby shower, which will be in two days.

I wore my night gown and got in bed and laid my head on his bare chest.

"Sweetheart." He says softly.

"Yes punchununu." I say smiling and he chuckles.

"I promise to love and protect our little ones with every once of us , even if the whole society turns against us." He says calmly. 

"Nothing can separate us not even our own skin, love covers all." I tell him kissing his nose.

"Good cause, I spoke to the council of elders and we are in." He says smiling.

"What!!!!!" I scream sitting up.

"I told them your idea about the rogues and that we are not a society if we exclude black people from being werewolves, and they loved how showed you aren't afraid of their judgement becauhse you did the right thing." He says smiling proud.

"Well, I honestly don't know what to say, I mean wow." I whisper in shock.

"Our babies are going to be safe and so is every African black person in the werewolf society." He says kissing my lips.

We sleep in each other's arms. I woke to see Ralph gone and I showered and went to the council we had a brief meeting and Ralph wasn't there. I had lunch with by two best friends from Africa and they loved the house.

"Okay sis know, were is your white hunk of a chocolate?" Audrey says.

"I'm not sure he left early in the morning and didn't attend the business meetings we had." I state.

"Okay...so when are you due."

"Tuesday, and I'm freaking out, I don't know if I must have a c-section or natural birth. I want to have natural birth so that if they become naughty I pull out that card. Then the c-section cause I'm scared to die in birth."

"Hmmm I see, we will pray about, but natural is easy trust me, my baby came out  of me and it was weird but it's one of the joys." Ropey states.

We finish lunch and they drive to their hotel.

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