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Song :running Beyonce


My head hurts, I love you Raphael she hands me a box. The box where is it I try too move but it hurts, why does it smell like medicine. I open my eyes and the bright room hurts them a bit. I whisper," Gen...Genesis."

I hear footsteps and I see her sisters and Kevin with swollen eyes then I black out. "So what happened exactly? " a male voice says. "They went for a helicopter ride and the pilot said the weather changed then he just blacked out, the ambulance came and took them they were 100 meters away from the scene." Kevin states.

"Kevin where is she." I ask with all the power I have, he looks down and the other male says,"Sir the girl died in the copter she could not jump out in time this is the report we have and the analysis is made, so she exploded with the helicopter, we are sorry for your loss."

I felt angry and a sharp pain in my chest I opened my mind link and called my beta and gamma. "Guys can you please give me a time alone." They nodded and left. I called the nurse and asked for a laptop and she gave me. I opened the box again and took out the flash drive. I connected it to the laptop.

"Hi babe, if I gave you this it means that Clakinoras has found me. He is this thing that tracks down tribrids like me so he can consume their power  I didn't want to tell you cause I know you would track him down and tear him apart. I love the idea. So I'm a tribrid and I've had an encounter with him lots of times. So you need to find me, in your suitcase there is a secret zip open it and look for Rhonda a witch friend of mine or just call her my password is ****. Ask to to the localismo ratora and that way you and your warriors would be immune to Clakinoras.  In the secret zip is a small locket put it on your wrist and that way I will mind link with you and help you find and save me. Do not draw first blood only when they strike u then attack. I love you Raphael never forget that." She blows a kiss and I could see the tears in her eyes.

I closed the laptop and took a deep breath." Raymond  we have shit to fix." I say whilst getting out of the bed.

"Yes Alpha." We went to the airport and I told her family I was going to get Gen stuff. On the flight I showed them the video and called Rhonda to meet us at the pack training grounds. We landed and drove to the grounds.

"Alpha" she says with a bow.

"Rhonda I believe you know what you are here for" she nods and casts the spell on all of us.

"Go get my best friend Alpha." She demands ,I nods then she disappears into thin air. The warriors were fit and I never had a doubt. I put the locket on and I was in a trance.

I hear heaving breathing I look around and we are in a cave I walk according to my impulse. "Time to dig deep, princess you don't know how long I wanted this." It's a male and he is pale. "Together we will rule all covens ,packs and vamps, so darling give me your blood." I look at who he is talking to I see Gen and she is floating in mid air and her eyes are black. "Yes sultan." He moves towards her slowly.

"Do you give yourself to me utterly, body and no body, flesh and no flesh, not as a fugitive blindly or bitterly, but as a child might with no other wish?" He said slowly and convincingly. "Yes utterly" Gen whisper back. My heart melts and I'm soon out of the trans.

"Raphael what did you see." Raymond asks. Raphael that will happen to me if you don't hurry come please now. Genesis says through the mind link. Don't worry I got you I reply.

"Warriors listen up do everything I say , we are going to see hell out there don't panic don't fall out of line don't breath too loudly keep your poker face on. Let's go save my African Luna." After giving my speech we get teleported by something. We split into three groups with my beta and gamma leading the other two.

Ok so now you are at the entrance stop breathing all of you he can hear it, you take a left and the other two groups turn right. You will see a jail cell go in there with your warriors. She orders let the other two groups go into the other jail cells.  Something is up this wasn't her I let her talk but I'm done listening. I use sign language with the guards and tell 15 of them to get in the cell and my beta and gamma did the same.

The rest followed me, I was now working by impulse. I looked like I knew were I was going we made it to cave and saw him Gen was floating in mid air. "Do you give yourself to me utterly." No I knew if I was to speak it would be a war and there would be casualties and I don't want that. I opened my mind link with her Gen its me I'm at the pack lands I can't save you they are planning your funeral so I have to let you go. I say through me link I saw satisfaction his face.

Baby before I block my link with you forever I want you to know I love you, I love your hips, your words, I love it when you are upset and when you try to avoid certain situations  like the time you wore over sized clothes to my house. I love the way you make me happy, I went all the way to Africa to find you.  I looked her I could feel tears in my eyes the Clakinoras looked weaker.

So a penny for your thoughts.

Stay tuned my fellows

Xxxasta 🌸

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