"Welcome Home"

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Genesis doesn't know what she started by wearing that dress. She was one CURVY angel if you ask me. The way I acted around her last night was something I've never done. Now she is asleep in my arms and I feel at peace with me.

After a shower I went to get some breakfast and she wasn't here. I decided to go to the office. I heard some laughing and girl giggles.

"Ohhh Raphael." She said smiling. I smiled back,"Ohh sorry I mean Alpha Raphael." She said smiling again.

"Hi ladies , umm what is going on?" I asked a bit confused.

"Well Jas and I were just having a chat about stuff since we are done with the paperwork for you, for this month." She said simply.

"Yes Alpha it was fun your friend is quite a catch, she loves babies like we were just talking about my little angel." Jas said. I nodded, and looked at Genesis.

"Well Jas and I are going to her house do you want to tag along?" She asked softly. I remained silent.

"Come on Mr Raphael." She used a seductive tone. I raised my eyebrows and said,
"Since you will do anything why not." I said using my husky voice. She flushed cold for a second. They stood up and we went to the car and I drove to her house.

"Ohhh my gosh what's her name?" Genesis said whilst holding the baby. The baby is adorable.

"Ohh guys do you mind watching the baby I have to get Raymond some stuff  for the baby." We agreed.

I watched Genesis sing a lullabies for the baby, wow she is good with kids. She placed the baby into it's bed. She watched the baby sleeping she was so in love with the baby.

"You really love babies huh?" I asked.

"Yeah I love them she is just adorable." She replied she came and sat on my laps.

"If we do have ummm...."

She laughed in a lady like manner and said,"if we do have kids?..." She was asking me to continue.

"If we do have kids what would you name them, I'm just asking, not that I have anything planned..."  She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I will tell you the names but not right now." She whispers in my ear.

She's been smiling ever since last night. She was about to stand up but I pulled her down and said,"What if we just sit like this until they come back."

"Well I love that idea but, I need to lie down." She said. She stood up and put her head on my legs whilst laying on the couch.

"What day is it today?" She asks calmly.

"Tuesday." I reply.

She jumps off and says,"Ohhh shiz we haven't yet packed and the flight leaves tomorrow,  I haven't even told your mom yet, she's going to hate me but, I love her and don't want her to think that." She says it pretty fast, being the gentleman I am I already planned something.

"It's all okay, I packed your clothes don't worry I asked the maid to pack your under garments." I said calmly. She hugged me and I gave me a pack on the lips.

She looked in my eyes and I said,"So I have a confession."

"What is it." She asked softly.

"Well your skirt is sooo tempting and when I saw you hold the baby I really wanted to kiss you, then you are just sooo I don't know." She laughs at me and I know I looked like a confused puppy.

Raymond and Jas came we had diner with them and I kept my free hand on Gen's thigh she didn't even flinch.

"We better get going ,we have a long flight." I stated we hugged them bye and Genesis kept on talking about how she wants to go the baby, almost convinced Jas.

We got in the car and I said,"Ohhh I have prepared something for you at home." She kept on asking what it was but I didn't tell.

I connected my phone to the speaker and I locked my door. She sat on the chair wearing my t-shirt with some boxer shorts.

I stood by the door and took a deep breath and played My baby ft NASTY C . I started dancing along and singing. She laughed and clapped and sang along. I played this song cause she loved NASTY C and his music.

After we finished I played Rhythm of my heart by Robert Stewart.  I took her hand and we danced to the song it started of as ball dancing then turned to lip singing with different dances.

I kissed her passionately and she kissed me back. I carried her to the bed not wanting to separate our lips from each other. I didn't want to end the night with a kiss but I had to I respect my Luna.

We slept in each others arms.

We both woke up and went to bath. I dressed up in jeans and a hoodie whilst she wore sweatpants and a hoodie. It was 5am and check in was at 6.

My mom drove us to the airport and walked us to the jet.

"You own a freaking jet and you didn't tell me!!!" She screamed/yelled.

"You didn't ask." I did as we got in the jet.

"Well not everyone is asked that question are  you bill gates?!?!" She asks sarcastically.

I laugh as I sit down and I put on my head phones , this going to be a long flight.

It's been two hours of being in mid air and I'm bored , I also notice that she is bored.

"Hey let's have a lip sing battle." She says I nod.

"Winner gets a piggy back after landing?" I ask


We sang different songs and we were neck in neck.

She was the last one and she went in the bathroom for a long time. I heard the door open. Then dance for you ft Beyonce  was playing. She started doing these nice slow dances. Then she walked towards me slowly, she sat on my laps with both of her legs on my sides. She straddled me slowly and kissed my neck.

"I can't help but think off you day and night want to make that body rock, sit back and watch." She sang as she danced in front of me. She finished the song. Ohhh and she sang it wearing her bra and boxer shorts.
She went in the bathroom. Then came out wearing  her sweats and hoodie.

"So who do you think won." She asked as she sat down.

I was speechless,  my Luna just danced for me.

"Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing." The pilot said.

"You won Gen, you left me speechless." That was all I managed to say. We landed and I kissed her.

"What was that for." She asks confused.

"Welcome home, sweetheart, you don't kiss your lady in front of her parents." I stated.
She laughed and said," I totally forgot, plus a heads up, I hope you read the Bible cause my mom has a lot installed, and my dad will be on your neck."

"Ahhh the African interview." I said sarcastically as we got in the range rover.

What do yu guys think. The playlist though😍😍😍.
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Xxxasta 🌸

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