Lance Corporal: Fickle Mind (chapter 11)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Levi x OC (pt. 11)
by galateabellator, Apr 10, 2014, 1:43:03 PM
Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance


Titan - shifters. A topic everyone was talking about ever since we discovered that Eren Jaeger can transform into one. The very thought about them frightened me, and I've considered myself to be quite courageous (better word is 'bold'). I have encountered many Titans and fought many of them, but I never truly considered that some types could actually have humans in napes of their necks. To me, such thing barely even seemed possible. Or... I just wasn't creative person when it came to titans' biology. The truth is, I've never paid much attention to them except when I had to kill them.

I wasn't the type who would question what they were, or how they functioned. I did, when I was younger and when that seemed important. But, when you remain without answers for the biggest part of your life, you get frustrated and simply stop caring. To me, titans were just that – titans, monsters, human - eaters and destroyers who only brought death and pain, with wide smiles on those ugly faces. I've stopped learning about them years ago.

Besides, we had scientists and soldiers who were willing to sacrifice their time, minds and abilities in order to study them, and then filling the rest of us in. Just look at Hanji. I don't know a person who is that eager to study them and is so obsessed with collecting information about them. She set up the whole new level of weird (in my humble opinion) but I've got to admit she is also very cool. She's just too enthusiastic about titans sometimes.

After learning that Eren was able to turn into a titan, Hanji speculated how all titans might have a human inside them It was... terrifying. To think that we might have been killing humans all along... was ironic in its own way. Especially to me.

Shifters were something entirely different to anything I've seen until now. The humans inside them were actually conscious, which made them the perfect weapons for those who controlled them. The perfect plague for which we didn't have the cure. However, we had Eren Jaeger... the Rogue Titan. The Scouting Legion had a weapon too, even if it was flawed. Since we've found out about Bertholdt Hoover, the Colossal Titan, and Reiner Braun, the Armored Titan, Annie Leonhardt, the Female Titan we all had to deal with the possibility that we had more shifters who were living inside walls.

Those mass murderers, ruthless killers, self-proclaimed warriors and what not, have sneaked into our home and have been spying on us for years. Their primary goal: Jaeger, because of his ability to control other Titans. (Ok, that was so awesome and horrifying at the same time, though I only heard stories and never actually witnessed his power).

And now, the Beast Titan who has the same ability, shows and invades our walls. Crap. It is learning about humans. It wants to destroy us. Or turn us all into those beasts. I can't tell for sure. All I know is that it needs to be exterminated from this world, one way or another.

But, to assume that it has more people infiltrated within our Walls, brings me very close to despair. Why would anyone decide to help such a creature? Why would our own race rebel against itself and ally with an enemy? From my perspective, it only means... survival. Those who obey the creature, will probably be allowed to live. I wouldn't bet on that, though. I would rather live, fighting for humanity till my last breath... but clearly, not everyone shares my point of view.

They managed to invade Wall Maria. It was run over by Titans. Wall Rose is next... and what can we do to protect it? We've managed to capture the most frightening shifters... and it still wasn't enough. We have more among the military itself. Probably more among the civilians. What can we do? I have never imagined I will be one of those who'll witness the end of the mankind (I thought I would die first) yet it was so close... so near that I could cry this very night and mourn one formidable race which is doomed to be extinct, but which fought till the very end... and yet, it hadn't been enough.

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