Lance Corporal: Long, Hard Road (chapter 30)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Long, Hard Road (pt. 30) THE END of volume 1
by galateabellator, April 2nd, 2017
Literature / Fan Fiction / Drama


Warning: Swearing, and bits of smut. Not for a mature filter though. :)

We didn't look at each other for a while. I didn't know what to say. Apparently, neither did he. We were both aware of this fact... but we still had to start the conversation somehow.

"What you did..." he's begun.

"Just to be clear..." I was preparing to say something too. We spoke at the same time. How typical of us. For us. Every now and then, I felt almost like we were the same mind, separated in two very stubborn bodies.

"I am listening," I've stated.

"Never mind the introduction. We are past that at this point. I'll be brief. The shitstorm has hit the HQ. You need to go back. Now."

"How can you even ask that of me?" I was curious. "What I've done... is done, and I can't fix it, no matter how many times I've tried," I've pointed out. "That aside... I don't want to face them, face the Queen or the Military Court, for that matter. I know my sins, and I am perfectly aware of what I've done... but here's the thing. I am too proud to let them judge me, yet alone condemn me. I am too selfish to die. I refuse to let them bestow their law and their judgement on me," was the first thing I've expressed.

"And you'd lose your head because of that pride? Tch..." he sighed, "... you are such a damn fool."


"You couldn't keep running forever - you must have known that much."

"I would keep trying."

He pressed his elbows onto the wooden surface of the table.

"No need. You are not going to face Court. Zackley insists that we should punish you, but Erwin's firm decision was that your military value surpassed your disobedience, so the military officers agreed... what happened and what you've experienced the past few weeks was too personal, and too much for you to handle at that moment. It's logical. Understandable. Naturally, you'll be punished, but not executed. And not only that... you will be pardoned the instant you go back. If you go back, that is."

This caught me off guard. I didn't really expect things would be that easy.

"But... the Queen... and... the warrant..."

"The warrant was just for the show. No one is going to kill you," he rolled his eyes. "Historia is not that type of person. But don't think you won't be punished, though. It's only fair, after all that happened in your absence."

But that wasn't really my fault either.

"The Beast Titan was spotted within Wall Maria. We are developing a strategy to fight it and to go to Eren Jaeger's basement. Erwin assumes that it contains secrets... that Reiss family isn't able to erase. The truth about the world."

I have nodded.

"There was a doubt among soldiers," Levi said, "a doubt that you may have had something with release of Christiana Fitzgerald. Siding against Historia and the Reiss dynasty in general."

"Yeah... Vladimir has told me about that ridiculous assumption. I don't feel that level of animosity, nor do I feel I am enough of a Reiss to try and usurp the current Queen. Despite the circumstances. Despite being in line for a crown. I am still just a Schwarz to me - like Vladimir."

His surname... real surname... was Crnčević. It derivated from the word "black". Hence, he changed his last name to "Schwarz" for practical reasons in his youth.

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