Lance Corporal: Grand Revelations (chapter 21)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Grand Revelations (pt. 21)

by galateabellator, Mar 31, 2015, 6:27:44 PM 

Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

WARNING: Elements of gore and strong language (in standard Ezra way. Again). Hinted sexual content, but noting explicit. Consider yourselves warned!


We were getting down the stairs that lead to the basement. Levi was mostly silent, and seemed somewhat distant. I guess there were too many questions in his mind, just like there were in mine. But finally... finally, we are going to get some answers, since Albert decided to speak up. I was just... wondering why he would choose to share that information with me.

I mean... we were never quite close, Albert and I. Being the members of the same unit, and me being the leader of the West section, didn't mean that he had to bond with me in any other way. We weren't friends, we were colleagues, and that's about it. We talked, we praised each other's strengths, and battle-abilities, we played cards and drunk liquor with the rest of the unit, but... Albert Holbein was never a person I could trust. He was a soldier I could rely on, but not someone I could share my secrets with. And I am thankful to him for that, actually. It would only make things worse at this point for me, so Albert spared me in a way. In some twisted way, he was even honest about who he was. Damn.

Levi suddenly stopped walking, and turned to face me.

"You have to know two things before we enter Holbein's cell," he declared, crossing his arms on his chest. He wasn't looking me in the eyes, he was staring at the iron door instead.

"Let me guess... I have to wear an apron, and I have to keep my temper in check," I mocked, raising forefinger and middle finger while I spoke about those two possibilities. It wasn't the proper time for jokes, though.

"I am not talking about those things," his eyebrow twitched, and I smiled warmly.

There was this bag that stood next to the door, and he bowed down to reach it.

"Before it comes as a surprise..." Levi pulled out a long apron and leather-gloves, and handed them to me, "... he is here."

I took off my military jacket and started equipping myself for interrogations. It took me a few seconds to realize what... or rather who he was talking about. It obviously wasn't Albert. The only person Levi would mention in this tone, with this voice... was...

I caught myself caressing the hilt of my old knife, placed on my right hip (the right hand was my dominant one). It was an old habit of mine, to caress this specific weapon even if I had a left knife in my other holster, placed on my belt, and two knives in both boots, and small blades in the sleeves of my shirt, now placed under my gloves. I was staring at the door too now.

"You can't possibly mean..." I looked at Levi, and he looked at me, like he was trying to figure what to say next. He didn't say anything, but he came closer to me and tied the apron behind my back for me. His hands slid down my waist after he finished.

"He arrived with the North Unit," Levi closed his arms around me. He held me like that for a minute or two. I touched his arms with my own, leaning against him in the process. He buried his face in my shoulder.

"I really didn't expect that he'd come here," I told him, in all honesty. "He isn't a soldier."

"If you need a moment..." Lance Corporal offered, "... we can delay the interrogation."

A moment to process the news? Sure. I definitely need one, but it just... won't be this particular moment. Not while I have a job to do.

"I am fine," I answered quicker than I was supposed to, convincing myself more than trying to convince Levi of it. "Is he... inside, with Albert?" I felt a bit nervous when I asked that question. Facing the man who was known as the Shadow Killer in the Underground City at this point would be... strange. Not to mention awkward. I turned to face Levi.

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