Lance Corporal: The Trigger (chapter 16)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Levi x OC (pt. 16)

by galateabellator, Sep 12, 2014, 7:54:13 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

WARNING: Strong language, and slightly sensitive content (in terms of action and fight).


The first rule of making a good, strong fist is squeezing your knuckles together. The bones in your hands serve as stabilizers, providing you the necessary coordination, and your fist functions like a single unit. However, if you squeeze the knuckles too tightly, they will separate and spread, which can only benefit your opponent. Also, keeping your fist clenched after hitting the desired spot is not desirable, because you stay exposed to an easy counterattack by your opponent.

The second rule is the placement of your thumb. You should press the tip of the thumb against the fold of the forefinger's second knuckle, which provides all the necessary force after you've wrapped all your fingers correctly. But, if the thumb is too stiff, it can pull apart the bones at the bottom of your hand, and cause injuries of the wrist. That's why you practice hard not to injure yourself while hitting another person. It's all about finding a balance.

Of course, you can expect to knock someone out only by hitting them once in the face. It happens, yes... but those occasions are rare. A trained soldier, however, won't lose to one correctly interpreted punch. But, a soldier or not... one effective punch in the solar plexus or in the ribs could harm him better than one effective punch in the head. Moreover, if you punch as if you are striking something an inch or more behind your target, your punch will have more power and driving force.

I knew all that. I just chose to go straight for her face, just because she pissed me off. Besides, she expected I would go for her throat, rather than her chain or temple. While fighting, the most damage is inflicted in these points - chain, temple, stomach and ribs. One of the common rules were also to go after the throat first, or after the sides of the neck (close to the carotid artery). Why? It's the easiest way to mess with your opponent's breathing. And we all know how important is to keep your breath stabilized while fighting. I've also tried to avoid a thing we usually call "telegraphing", which was showing to our opponent your next move by holding your hands in a specific path line.

When I hit Christiana, I hit with all my might, rolling my hips into a punch, and curving both of my legs. You have to use hips to maximize the power, because your shoulders support your hands that way and you get a more efficient blow. Correct straight punch is stretching the INSIDE of the arm, not outside, because once you do that, the arm rotates to the inside. After that, the arm will curve in a slow recovery, and the body will rotate away from the opponent - which provides them the time to strike you back, and fast. You don't want to be wide open.

Christiana's head cocked aside. The first punch I threw only loosened her teeth, and made them crack. But, the second one I inflicted on her broke a few of her upper teeth, sending them down her throat. And, I was yelling like a maniac in the process. It was the pure adrenaline rush, the awakening of an animal, who didn't pay much attention to her own limbs in the process.

Going after her teeth was risky. It was stupid of me. And yes, I've risked a fucking 'fight bite', because I wanted this bitch to stop smiling. Now, a fight bite is the term we use to describe the situation where you angle your punch wrongly and bring your body directly into the teeth. However, it wasn't exactly the case with me... so instead of getting a nasty gash in my own palm, I miraculously ended up with a very small incision, on the top of my second knuckle. It could still cause a serious infection, because no matter how you look at it... human mouth are disgusting, and full of saliva which contains all those ugly microorganisms. But fuck it, it was worth it. She wasn't laughing anymore. I was, instead. She tried to hit me back, once, twice, but was disoriented, so I've managed to block her attempts.

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