Lance Corporal: Christiana (chapter 14)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Levi x OC (pt. 14) 

by galateabellator, Sep 5, 2014, 5:23:49 PM 

Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

WARNING: Strong language, sensitive content, and if it can even be considered a bit of gore.


At first, I was hoping that I was terribly wrong. That Christiana wasn't really a shifter, and that my guts have failed me. That my mind was playing with me, and that my hectic life made me paranoid. Hell, I was honestly hoping for it... hoped that I truly was the dumbest bitch in the Scouting Legion at that point. I mean, all the suspicious people have already been spotted, by extremely capable chameleon soldiers who did the hardest part in this long, long, and risky night. And they didn't see anything suspicious in Christiana's behavioral pattern. Was I out of my mind, or what?

Why, the fuck, this needs to be so hard?

Chameleon soldiers. The name says it all... they were those 'sleeper' types of soldiers whose sole job was to detect, confirm and subdue their suspects. They were stationed in every single squad, and activated at times like these.

However, the best of the best between chameleon soldiers, were the members of the North Unit. The entire section consisted of spies, trained and tutored in the arts of tracking, locating, and deducing... all while operating on human soil, and all while pretending they were doing random, boring army tasks. Everybody considered them to be... well, superfluous, the least necessary part of the military - yet again, the whole Scouting Legion had to prove their worth to humanity too, so one unit more or less didn't matter. They were also previously known as the Paper-work Unit, the term given out of mockery by locals. But, many of those couldn't know the true nature of that squad, and many inside the military itself couldn't even assume what that unit did. And they did a lot, from shadows.

They rarely went on expeditions, hardly ever beyond the Walls, but that didn't reduce their actual competence. Thanks to them, Erwin was always one step ahead of every turmoil that ever happened inside the human world. He was always informed and involved with human politics, economics, government, happenings, even in civil activities. The North Unit was the Humanity's Observing Unit, but they didn't observe carefully enough tonight. Must be the small number of participants the North Unit provided this time. But, who could blame them? After all, they were keeping the titan trio in the Utopia District, carefully monitoring over the traitors, after Military Police provided to be... well... we all know what a bunch of aggressive, blood and power-thirsty idiots those were. The North Unit handled the inside matters, and every possible betrayal.

However... there's only a certain amount of betrayal I could handle... and not this. Not Christiana. Or so I thought, in the time I was standing before the door of her room.

But, after the wave of emotions rushed away, I've become completely calm. Cold. It was just a matter of time, this would happen, really.

I could switch from emotional brat into a cold-hearted assassin by the sheer force of will. My killer 'trigger' was activated - and a killer needs a strong arm, steady aim, and a clear mind. A killer needs to stay quiet and composed - all which I knew too well, better than I've ever wanted.

I was ready for whatever waited for me behind that door. I pushed them slowly, surprised they were unlocked and that easy to open.

The room I entered was in a complete mess. Some things were scattered all over the floor. There's been a fight, and a very recent one, so I've walked carefully, making ghost steps over everything I've managed to spot in the dark. Also, I remained quiet.

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