Lance Corporal: Remember The Name (chapter 28)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Remember The Name (pt. 28)
by galateabellator, May 29, 2016, 5:04:20 PM
Literature / Fan Fiction / Drama

Warning: Minor swearing.


Obtaining my memories seemed to be the easier part of the procedure.

I mean, all we had to do was connect – Historia gave her left hand to Eren, and he took it before looking at me. Historia's right hand reached for my left, and I took it. It was small in mine, and felt a bit cold.

Eren's grip was stronger than Historia's as he gave his hand to me too. He seemed a bit worried when he approached us and his hand hesitantly reached towards mine, like he had second thoughts... but he ultimately closed the triangle, and his teal eyes seemed determined.

"Corporal Schwarz... Ezra... are you are ready?" Historia asked softly. I have nodded.

"Let us begin then," the Queen stated. They both closed their eyes and started focusing. I was looking at their calm, peaceful faces, and waited... feeling confused and stupid along the way.

Nothing was happening, and I almost felt relieved. For a moment, I was convinced that they had it all wrong. That it was just... a bunch of nonsense.

But then, a sudden surge of power has spread, first through my arms and then (like some kind of un-explainable sensation) through my whole body. I have started seeing pictures. Faces. Places. All at once. All from my past.

- - - - - - - - - -

My heart sunk when I saw her face, freshly dragged from the bottom of a buried pile of memories that I was forbidden from having access to. Instead of remembering the blurred, undefined shape, I saw clear facial features, so vivid and radiant... like she was right in front of me. The face was of a heart-like shape, with high cheekbones, small nose and lips, and beautiful set of eyes. Her hair was just like I remembered. All black, and long, and shiny, and thick. It was almost waist-long, and it covered all of her back. I held my breath. My first memory of her was... her hug, actually. I was running towards her. I don't know how old I could have been... but she has spread her arms towards me, and I was rushing to reach that warm, comfortable place around her neck. My safe place, where all the worries seem to disappear. Where all the troubles have gone away.

"Езра... моја предивна цурице," * even her voice was clear now, and it overwhelmed me.

(transl. "Еzra... my lovely girl,")

She was smiling, and I could actually feel how the pain grew in my chest, like unstoppable and unbearable ball that started to spread and consume me.

To see her like that... it was too much for me.

"Гдје си била? Мама се забринула, "she said, and I couldn't hold it anymore. My burst of tears wasn't even surprising at that point.

(transl. "Where have you been? Mama was worried,")

The next few memories of her quickly rushed away. Some of them were related to the Underground, but I was too young to remember it all. I just knew that I was born there. I also remembered Vesna, Kuchel and some working brothel girls.

After staying in that brothel for a short while, we were moving.

Frequently, and a lot of times, lying to everyone about everything. About our names. About our origins. About her. But again, there were some other scenes - mostly domestic ones – that I also remembered well. It was the time when the three of us... all of us... were living in a spacious, beautiful house. That house was placed on the furthest border of Wall Sina, almost to where Wall Rose begun. We were living under the protection of father's relatives.

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