Lance Corporal: Commander's Order (chapter 20)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Commander's Order (pt. 20)
by galateabellator, Feb 11, 2015, 6:01:10 PM
Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

WARNING: Strong language, in standard Ezra way.


Commander was sitting in front of his desk. Major Amsel was standing next to the window, smoking her cigarette, and using her left hand since her dominant right arm was now covered in bondages. The chess table was spread on the desk, so I figured that Commander and Major spent their time in their usual way. I wondered who won, since it's always a tough call between those two regarding intellectual games. And I mean that both literally, and metaphorically.

Levi sat on the sofa, crossing his legs in his usual manner. I sat next to him, not too close though... and I was waiting for Erwin, or Aurora, to start talking. They didn't, and that made me pretty nervous, so I broke the silence first.

"Are you going to scold me for my actions, Erwin?" I asked, because I assumed that was the reason he invited me into the office before sending me into the interrogation dungeon to face Albert. I disobeyed the direct order from my Major when we were out on the field, and acted according to my own instinct – which proved accurate and the operation was fruitful, but could have been fatal instead. I haven't only risked my own life... I exposed my two subordinates to danger as well. So... whatever Commander or Major say to me now... will be pretty valid.

Aurora and Erwin exchanged looks. Aurora smiled softly to me and Erwin shook his head.

"I am going to congratulate you instead, Ezra. You did a great job out there." That caught me off guard, but I almost sighted with relief.

"You... you watched?"

"We both did..." Erwin said, "and that was an outstanding performance, Corporal. Now, before I send you to our suspects... I need to apologize for the trouble we had to put you through. I am sure Levi has already explained to you why this operation needed to stay secret. I am also sorry because, due to the recent discoveries... I needed to put someone to monitor you too. And, if we take into consideration your history with the Lance Corporal... I believed he would be the best choice."

Hmpf. Now, I should say something like... Oh, don't worry, Erwin, your reasons were legitimate and you had every right to do what you did, because you are objective, and calm as fuck. Well, not today, smartass.

I said: "You sent Levi because I am such a shifter-potential that you needed the strongest soldier to observe the dangerous, cunning little me. Didn't you?"

"Ezra..." Aurora's voice was gentle, but her eyes weren't. There was a clear warning in them. Erwin just continued:

"Because he was the only one with enough power to go against you, should that have been the case." He turned at Levi, whose face was completely blank now.

"Well, luckily for both of us, I am only human... just a very-pissed-off one as well, for more than one reason." I hissed.

"And sorry about that," Aurora finished her cigarette, constricting the filter in an ashtray on desk to turn it down, "but we had to be sure."

"Yeah, yeah, everyone's suspicious until proven otherwise, I know the motto of the North Unit, Major... too well, since we are at it... so your doubt offends me more than you can even imagine. I have been nothing but loyal to the Scouting Legion, yet you place me in the same group with those scum..."

"Stop it." Her eyes were sharp and dangerous now. "It wasn't personal. It was the procedure, and our job. We couldn't risk to rely solely on our faith in you, or on our love towards you. You know that. And although I strongly believe that you can't be one of them, we had a very good reason to doubt you."

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