Lance Corporal: Prone To Violence (chapter 22)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Prone To Violence (pt. 22)
by galateabellator, May 20, 2015, 7:32:53 PM
Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance


Albert wasn't impressed with Regulus. In his position, I doubt I would be too. He was staring at the older man with spiteful eyes. Regulus returned the favor, though his own glare was cold and quite predatory. He glanced at Albert's wounds, saw that he still wasn't healing, and he raised his eyebrows. He almost seemed disappointed when his eyes turned towards Levi and me.

"Next time, leave me something to work with, you two. This one looks like he will faint."

"He already did. Twice," Levi's tone was dead-calm, and quite neutral. Regulus frowned.

"Did he, now." That wasn't a question actually... it was more of an info to take in. I sighed, looking at everyone in that cell. "Honestly. Aurora should already know that putting the three of us in the same room for interrogations is a very bad idea."

"Oh, m'lady is well-aware. She is just curious how we will act when put together."

"I am tired of her stupid, twisted games. I mean, really? She puts three Underground hounds – no offense - in the cell, and expects the tortured subject to walk away alive?"

"Who says that he will walk away alive?" Regulus pointed out softly, and almost politely. Levi remained silent. I reflected about this a bit, and came to a simple conclusion.


Regulus forcefully grabbed a handful of Albert's hair to lift his head up, and make him face him.

"You must be a tough boy, if you endured their torment that well. But let me see what I can do to make things more... interesting."

"I am not afraid of you. You are just... an old man who's acting tough." To be fair, Albert was the one who was acting tough... but his voice was thin.

"Oh, Holbain," I sighed. He shouldn't have said that. He basically asked for a demonstration of older man's abilities... and Regulus was never a shy one when it came down to that.

Albert's sudden scream almost tore my earlobes when a sharp blade ended buried in cadet's right shoulder. Regulus was always a fast one to pull his knives out, and always the fast one to slice things off. He dragged the blade under Albert's ear.

"I might be a bit rusty, it's true... but I still aim pretty well, and I am still pretty fast, lad. So, you better be very cooperative if you don't want to get on the bad side of me. Captain Brass's traitor made that mistake, acted all though and shit... but soon learned it was a very, very wrong thing to do. After I removed his fingers for him, he sang like a bird. What will it take... to make you keep singing?" the old sadist now wondered out loud, stroking his beard.

"Regulus," I called, and the old man stopped for a second. His eyes seemed vicious, and had that frightening, almost evil glow that used to scare the shit out of me when I was younger. But not anymore - and that was probably one of the boldest things about me. Only a fool wouldn't be afraid of a man as dangerous as this old assassin.

"You wanted to say somethin' darlin'?" he asked.

"Yeah, but not to you, Regulus." I faced my former squad mate.

"Holbain, if that's even your real last name... this is the last chance to tell whatever the Hell we need to hear now. Whatever you need to say about the Grand Rebellion, Christiana, Hans, their accomplices, the Ape... anything... now would be the best time."

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