Lance Corporal: One Big Game (chapter 12)

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LANCE CORPORAL - Levi x OC (pt.12)
by galateabellator, Jun 20, 2014, 7:29:15 PM
Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

WARNING: Strong language and semi strong language ^.^

PART 12 - ONE BIG GAME - Levi x OC

Who could it be? The members of my squad, supposedly titan shifters... who could be the traitor and spy on us from the inside, like Hoover, Braun and Leonheardt did? Fuck. Fuck, my head will explode if I think about it too much. But who? Joshua? Hans? Albert? The girls? Lotte? No. Fuck.

"Getting up already?" Levi asked, after I left his comfortable chest. There was no sleep for me this night/morning, so I've decided to do something else than pretend to be sleeping and dealing with my chaotic mind. It's not like I'll conclude something out of the blue just because I was over thinking about my past missions, and doubted all my squad mates.

It was a high time to get my clothes on. We were in an emergency situation, and that meant we could have been called by any moment now. I didn't want to get up, I'd rather stay with him here, forever... but...

"I have to. We have to," I responded. He was lazily lying on his stomach - the divinity forged into a breathing, living person - though he never saw what I see in him. He thought he was like any other ordinary guy, nothing special aside his battle (or killing) skills. Could he be more wrong? Well, he didn't give a damn about what others thought about him - good or bad, and that was the additional quality I appreciated in him. If he didn't see himself in the right light, I know who did.

He didn't move a muscle. I had to do something about it.

"You know, you should do it too. Get up. We don't want our main Corporal running and jumping around naked while slicing titans."

"Why not? The titans are naked all the time, it shouldn't even bother anyone anymore," he said calmly, but you would have to be a retard to mishear the mocking in his tone.

"First of all, you are not a titan. At least, not to my knowledge. Second of all, titans don't have wee-wees. You do, and I am pretty sure female soldiers would mind seeing you in all your glory," I've pointed out, gathering all my stuff from the floor.

"I bet they wouldn't. It's you who doesn't want to share with other girls. Never liked it, as I recall."

"And you recall well. I am not a sharing soul," I admitted.

"Don't worry, brat. It still likes you the best," he teased too, his voice as monotonic as it could get.

"You... you asshole!" I said, but I laughed a little to his joke.

I was quick with putting all my clothes on, mostly because it was required, and because it was a habit to any soldier of humanity. Meanwhile, Levi got up. I couldn't help but admire his figure... he was heavy muscled for someone of that height. He started to collect his own uniform. He dressed up quickly too. We were putting our equipment, along with straps, and that took some time. We took our gears, and started to sharpen the blades in silence.

After that, we sat on the bed, and he brought two cups with a black tea. The time passed too slow for us who were expecting something important.

"Say... you wanna play that game, brat?" he asked. I smiled. I had to, he knew me too well. He saw I was anxious, so he offered to put my mind at ease, by playing our game.

Levi preferred chess, but he indulged me, knowing how much I enjoyed cards. I even carried them with me in my uniform, two decks in each pocket, a reminder of my 'delinquent' past. I pulled up one deck and started mixing cards in it.

Lance Corporal - SNK fanfiction - LevixOC (volume 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora