Fields of Lies

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"You ready?" Lannan yelled from behind the camera.

"I guess so..." He pressed record and joined her on their couch. "G'day ya bloody legends and WELCOME BACK!" Y/n smirked,

"That's my line!"

"Haha not anymore!"

"Anyways what she said, but we have an announcement!" He laughed, "You guys know I'm not a romantic guy, but apparently it's enough to get this amazing women to be by my side." He plastered a huge grin onto his quirky face and looked at Y/n while wrapping his arm around her neck.

"Yep, I've somehow gotten myself engaged to this big doofus." She said smirking back, "The wedding won't be for a while because of our ridiculous lives."

"Trust me, she's already started planning. It's a nightmare. But we are happy to have this out in the open, and we are super lucky that all of our family and friends support us, we can only hope you guys do to!"

"We love all of you and can't wait to see what our futures hold."


"WASSUP FUCKERS!?" Tannar yelled booming into Lannan's office.

"You really outta stop doing that Tan," Y/n smirked, looking at her best friend.

"Whatcha doingggg?" She said looking over Y/n's shoulder. "Oooo dresses! I'll help you!" Tannar sat across from Y/n in the other bean bag while Lannan edited their newest video.

"Heads up, I hate long sleeves and mermaid dresses." Y/n laughed,

"Naw but babe you look so sexy in those skimpy body con or whatever dresses!" Lannan called out, Tannar bursted into tears hearing him.

"Not for a wedding dress!"

"Hmph fine." He went back to his computer monitor. The two girls spread out across the floor sharing ideas and dresses.

"Oh my gawdddd! Y/n look at this one!" This continued on for about an hour, they really laid there and searched around.

The doorbell rang and Lannan went to go check it out, returning he was trailed by Brodey.

"Suppp Bro!" Y/n laughed hopping up to give him a hug.

"Heyyy, I came to ask a favour?" He asked warily, leaning against the wall. This intrigued Lannan making him look up from his Reddit searches.

"When are you not looking for a favour?" Y/n chuckled, eyeing him.

"I want us to go on a road trip."

"Uh ok?"

"To Tamworth."

"Are we gonna see Mum?" She perked up.

"Not exactly... maybe the other side of us?"

"You really expect me to go see that bastard?" She asked angrily, shooting daggers at her brother.

"Hear me out, I know he's a dickhead. But please, I just need to meet him at least once. I'll buy you unlimited coffee."

"Can we still go see Mum?"

"Of course."

"Fine. I'll come, but you owe me." Brodey laughed,

"By now Bazz, I think you practically owe her all your money." Lannan laughed,

"I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow around lunch?"

"Sounds good, want to stay for dinner? We're making Parma"

Trapped. (Lazarbeam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now