Anxiously Happy

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18 Hours Until the Wedding

"You sure you're going to be fine tonight?" Lannan asked her again. He was going away with the boys for the night while
Y/n had the night to herself.

"I'll be fine. Will and I are just gonna watch movies." She replied happily. While most girls would be having a girls night Y/n just wanted to have a quiet one. Just by herself, and a nice movie. "You go be a boy for a night." She kissed him slightly and smiled.

"You call me if you need anything ok?"

"You know I will." She waved him off and then sprinted to the couch. Willeh following close behind her. Many packets of lollies and chocolates were distributed on the couch. Y/n knew she wasn't going to eat all of them due to tomorrow's event but she just liked having choices. She turned on Netflix and searched around for the perfect movie.

"You know what Wills? Let's just watch Harry Potter again, You like that?" She asked laughing. It seems like the only movie she ever watched alone was Harry Potter. After clicking play, she found herself transfixed on the movie. Reciting all the words once again. Not even bothering to eat.

Once it ended, Y/n yawned. It was only 9:30pm but she felt like she could crash. Which is what she did, right on the couch knowing her best friends  would be bursting through the front door in only 12 hours.


"Out of all the places, we choose the office." Elliot whined.

"Technically Lannan chose it, not us!" Fresh laughed. Wondering what Lannan had in store for all of them. Soon enough he arrived with cans of beer and a smug look. "Oh god." Fresh mumbled.

"I thought we could do what we do best!"

"Be stupid?" Lachlan laughed.

"well yes, but I was referring to gaming and drinking! You see, with my excellent mind I have created..." he walked to the far wall and pushed down a mattress that was up against it. "THE GROOMSMEN GAMES!" Everybody cheered, they didn't know what it was but they cheered.

"So what exactly is the groomsmen games?" Brodie asked him opening up a beer.

"10 different games and whoever wins the most amount of points, wins money!"

"How much we talking here?" Bazz laughed.

"Uh, haven't gotten that far. You know what, we'll hold bets."

"What games we talking here?" Eli said smirking.

"Good question, now over on this wall. I have the answers." He pushed the mattress that was standing on that wall a table appeared. "In order of playing we have Golf, Beat Saber, Minecraft, Roblox, Happy Wheels, NBA, Smash Bros, GTA, Overcooked 2 and finally Fortnite."

"How does this all work?"

"The winner of each game gets their names beside the game. Whoever has their name beside games the most wins!"

"Place your bets boys." Mullen laughed and they did.


"WE HAVE A TIE!" Brodie announced looking at the table. "Between Bazz and Elliot."

"Damn. Anybody think of a tiebreaker?"

"Can we hold more bets?" Mullen said, full putting his trust on Elliot to win him a fat stack of cash.

"Go for it." Lannan laughed. "Why do we have to play video games. Real games work just as well?"

"What are you suggesting?" Elliot said warily.

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