Chapter Fourteen - Am I Ready?

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(sorry butterfliess lol. I failed.

Written by MrsNiallHoran :3)

-- Niall's POV --

I smiled and cuddled up closer to him as the movie started. "We're alone a lot of the time."

Liam pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "It's not enough. If I had my way, it'd always be just us, in our own little world."

"You're so sweet." I murmured, quieting down as the dialogue in the movie started.

We watched the movie silently and when it was over, Liam flipped through channels until he got to the music channel. The song that was currently on was A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and it was just starting. He got up and stuck out his hand, smiling. "May I have this dance?"

I giggled and took his hand, letting him pull me up. "Yes, you may." I replied. His arms wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as we slow danced, slowly turning in a circle. "Why?" I chuckled after a minute of just listening to the music.

"Why what?"

"Why the dancing?"

I felt him shrug. "Gotta practice my moves for the dance."

I lifted my head to look at him with a beaming smile. "You're going to the dance?"

He smiled back. "Only if you'll be my date."

I smirked. "I'm your boyfriend, of course I'll be your date. I'd be pissed if I wasn't." I replied. "I'm thinking matching black tuxedos? And white high tops!"

"High tops don't go with tuxes." Liam chuckled.

"We can't be completely fancy. Gotta keep it real, Li! Duh."

"Oh, how did I not realize?" he replied sarcastically. "Sounds good. And purple bow-ties!"

I grinned. "Of course! Gotta have some actual colour. So we'll match completely - black tuxes, white high tops, purple bow-ties."

"And we won't have to tell everyone - they'll just see us together and know."

I hadn't considered that. Did I want everyone to know? I was proud to be with Liam, but... Was I ready to tell everyone? The dance wasn't for two weeks; I didn't have to worry yet. So I just smiled and nodded. First I gotta tell my dad and then the entire school...

Am I ready for that?

Your ღ Everything - Niam collab fanfic - sequel to "Never Say Never"Where stories live. Discover now