Chapter Sixteen - Off To The Airport

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(written by MrsNiallHoran :3)

-- Niall's POV --

I smiled up at Liam. His jealousy was cute, it really was. It showed me that he really cared and it was sweet. "I told you, you've got nothing to worry about."

Liam sighed. "I have everybody to worry about. How is it possible for anybody to resist you when you walk around here looking like gorgeous perfection?"

"Awwwww." I giggled, leaning against him. I went up on my toes to peck his cheek. "They can look, but they can't touch. I'm yours and I'm happy with that."

A sudden squealing behind us made us turn around. The girl with the freckles from the office was standing behind us, grinning. "I told you it was meant to be!" she squeaked. "You're so cuuuute! See? I told you that you'd end up together."

"Who said we were together?" I replied playfully. Liam rolled his eyes and pulled me close, kissing me softly. I couldn't help but smile at him sweetly as he backed away, still keeping a protective arm around me. "Okay, so we are."

"It's just slightly obvious." she replied with a smirk. "My name's Isabelle." she said, sticking out her hand. I stuck out mine and shook it and then Liam did. "Ooh, Niall, I work on the school newspaper. I'd like to interview you sometime if that's okay." she suggested. I nodded with a smile and she took my hand, taking out a sharpie and writing on my palm. She smiled brightly as she let go of my hand. "Call or text me sometime." she said. I took the sharpie from her and took her hand, writing my number on it aswell.

"And you can call or text me back." I replied, chuckling. She giggled along and then walked away with a small wave. I lifted up my hand to read what it said. 'Belle (:' followed by a number. As I glanced back over at Liam, I noticed him glaring at Isabelle as she walked away, as if he was trying to burn holes in her back. "Aw, c'mon, Liam. She just wants to interview me for the school paper."

Liam frowned, his eyes softening as they met mine. "Are you really that blind, love? She was totally flirting with you." he said quietly, looking away.

"No she wasn't." I insisted, placing two fingers underneath his chin, forcing him to look at me. "You don't have to worry about losing me, Liam. I promised you that I would never leave." I said firmly, looking straight into his eyes. I leaned forward and kissed him gently. "Please try not to worry? Your jealousy is cute but I don't like it when you're worried like this. I love you - You know that."

He nodded with a small smile, but I could tell it was forced. "I know you do, and I love you too. Don't you ever forget that."


I giggled softly, tilting my head as I read the text. 

Liam glanced over at me from the driver's side, looking worried. "Who's making you laugh?" he asked quietly. 

I sighed. "Nobody, Li. Don't worry about it." 

"It's her, isn't it?"

"Yeah, so what?"

He bit his lower lip. "Nothing." he muttered, turning his eyes back to the road.

I texted back half-heartedly, and then my phone was ringing to alert me that I had a call. I answered it with a smile. "Hey Belliboo!"

"Hey Nanaimo!" Isabelle replied with a chuckle. In the past four days, we'd become very close friends and had our own little nicknames for each other. "What's going on?"

"On my way to go pick up my dad from the airport. He's coming to visit for the weekend."

"That's awesome!" she said excitedly. I noticed Li glance at me out of the corner of his eye, and then look back to the driver's side, chewing on his lower lip. 

"I should go, Belliboo. I want to get some sleep before we get to the airport." I said. She sounded disappointed but we said our goodbyes and I hung up. "Liam--" I began.

"I know, Niall. I shouldn't be worried. I know." he muttered.

I sighed and pulled the blanket we'd brought on our trip over my body, placing the pillow behind my head and reclining the passenger's seat. "I love you, Liam."

He smiled over at me, though I could see the worry in his eyes. "I love you too. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Your ღ Everything - Niam collab fanfic - sequel to "Never Say Never"Where stories live. Discover now