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"Excuse me?" A man in a police uniform walks up to me, taking his cap off wiping under his nose. Something in his eyes seemed wrong, I could tell in the stranger's eyes. "Are you April Walter?" He asks, voice shaky. Why is a policeman at my door? Something obviously must be wrong if he is so shaken up. Wait? What if this is just a prank? What if he's a pedophile?

"Yes..." I say cautiously. This man could be anything, but I see the cop car in my driveway. I have a feeling this guy is what he seems.
"I'm Captain Ramon. Your mother... she was killed in a car accident" The words hit me like a bullet. Actually, a bullet would've hurt less. I felt like breaking down to cry. Curl up in a ball and die right in front of the house where my mother was returning to, but he continues before I can. "I need you to come down to the station with me." He pats my shoulder in a comforting way, but I don't look up. How many times must he feel a child that their parent has died? Is this his first? Second? Tenth?

"You're lying. My mother can't be dead. She can't!" I protest screaming, tears freely running down my face. What if this was just a dream? I pinch my arm, but nothing happens. This is reality. Real life. Destiny unfolding in front of my watery eyes. My mother was my backbone, my support, and now I was crumbling. "How could she?" I fall on my knees crying into my hands. My body feels weak. I sit there and cry but crying won't get my mother back so I get back up wiping under my eyes.

"Do you have any relatives?" He asks me after awhile cautiously. Maybe he has lost a parent at a young age? His face shows grief and understand,net so he must've.
"Ye- yeah." I wipe my nose sniffing as rain starts falling. "My dad."

Lol sorry this sucks so basically I'm going to start this fanfic and this is just the prologue. :P so basically ya... It might be a while till I update this again because I'm early into writing this but I really wanted to post it and stuff I'll hope to get a part up by the end of this week. If you take the pic I edited please give credit I worked a long time on it :) appreciate it thanks <3 (the old cover was an edit I made but it sucked so ye) maybe a vote will inspire me to get a part up earlier 🌚 nah I ain't doing that but I appreciate the votes gracias :)

^ old A/N v new A/N (so not all of it is lost)

Not much changed with the prologue I really just edited it, but for the actual chapters I'm going to actually rewrite them thanks :D you guys are amazing

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