Jealousy is Red

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A/N: Stay safe guys! Please stay at your home when you can. And if you have extra food or hygiene kits or anything that might help, please donate some of it to those who are in need. A single item can help very big. Let's not allow someone to get left behind.

"Madame, I already hand the device on your bodyguard. He said she'll put it in your black suit case" Minzy informs Jennie.

"What suit? All of my suit case are black" Jennie asked raising her left eyebrow. Minzy was nervous as she can't remember which one and the cat eyed lady starts to lose her patience.

"The one with clothes" Minzy said playing safe.

"All my suits are black. Look at the garage. You see that 18 black suits? All of it have clothes. Now, get your shit together and hand it on me instead" Jennie said with authority. Minzy immediately went to the garage and ask the bodyguard where did he put it and was clueless too. As a result, they open each of the suit case until they found it.

Minzy gave it to Jennie with her hands shaking.

"Careful, you don't want to drop it" Jennie said as she carefully put the device on her hand carry bag. Minzy bow her head.

"Have a safe flight madame" Jennie turn her back and starts walking towards the limousine. She'll go to the airlines her family owns so she can take a flight alone going at Seoul.

"Madame, please rest. We'll just settle at the back all of your belongings and we're ready to go" Jennie's bodyguard said.

"We?" Jennie asks chuckling. The man nodded fastly.

"Nah, I'm going solo" her bodyguard remain standing, Kai.

"What, Kai?" Jennie asked impatiently as she saw Kai still standing.

"I ain't got no time for the troubles in your eyes" And Jennie gestured other bodyguards to leave the plane which they did without stalling and they dragged Kai with them.

After the 12 hour flight, Jennie felt the familiar coldness on her body. Memories that taunts her suddenly flash on her mind. For it to stop, she shut her eyes and release a deep breathe. Sighing, she tightened her grip on the device that starts it weak beeping, indicating there's an alien far from where is she standing.

"Be ready. I'll taunt each of you"

The dress that Seulgi and Irene bought using the former's money was on Irene's hands. Debating on herself whether she should wear it or not because it was expensive. Seulgi and her even fought about it, she wants to repay it but Seulgi was starting to get annoyed at the thought of it. Telling her that Irene can repay her through wearing it on the exhibit. And the exhibit will be happening today.

"What Lisa?" Irene asked when she heard Lisa knocks on the door.

"I don't know how to wear this kind of clothes. It's itchy" Lisa said sounding like a child. When Irene told Joy and Wendy that she wants to bring Lisa to the exhibit, they immediately went to the mall and drag Lisa with them. They treat her like a paper doll that tries each dress they found pretty.

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