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          I opened my eyes slowly as the sun blinded me

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          I opened my eyes slowly as the sun blinded me. I could feel the cold ground beneath my back. Or at least so I thought. That it was ground. Honestly, after the headache I had earlier and everything that followed, I might as well be laid in a wooden coffin six feet under the ground. I exhaled in frustration.

Denise: You can still see the light Denise! You aren't dead... yet. *I talked to myself while trying to deduce my surroundings*
Aria: Denise! *she hovered above me, cupping my cheeks* You are not dead! You scared me!
Denise: What? *I tried to speak but the word came out muffled as my lips were glued to each other in her hold; she finally let go of my face and I could speak properly * Where the fuck are we?

          The forest surrounding us was mocking me. The high trees were laughing in my face. They were tall and could get a better view of the unknown place while I looked like a helpless ant compared to them. I had to admit that the beauty of the forest was breathtaking. Coniferous and broadleaf trees mixed in an astonishing variety of colors: green, red, pink, white, purple, blue. And that wasn't all. The flowers, the sky, the fresh smell, the whole place was reeking of magic...

Aria: I have no idea what this place is, but we need to find Vale. Quickly.
Denise: *my heart stopped beating for a moment* Why?
Aria: I woke up and she wasn't here. *she pointed to a random spot near her* I decided to stay beside you so you won't get scared, but I was so worried. *she gesticulated nervously* You weren't moving at all so I tended to believe that you died! *I noticed her eyes got teary*
Denise: It's ok! Let's go! *I took her hand in mine and we stood up* Where could she be?

Vale's P.o.v:

          I was so confused. Everything that surrounded me was unfamiliar. I realized with my eyes open wide and my brows frowned that I was in a forest, which honestly seemed to be the set of a fantasy movie. Near me was a lake, which confused me the most. The lake looked like it was a work of art made by the ancient gods. It was sculpted in a crescent shape and the water had a gray shade that looked exactly like a clouded sky during a thunderous storm. I stood up and headed towards the water, without thinking too much.. I crouched down and stared at my reflection in the clear water. I looked like a mess. My hair was disheveled and I had a scratch on my right cheek. I exhaled in frustration as I started arranging my hair. Being so concentrated on untangling the annoying hair strands, that decided to form a fucking bird nest on my head, I didn't observe the presence behind my back. I just saw a glimpse of a black manly figure in the corner of my eye. My heart skipped a beat and, just like the characters in my favorite horror movies do, I turned around painfully slow and saw... nothing. Nobody was there except me. Or so I tried to convince myself foolishly. I got up, wanting to run and find Denise and Aria. Only now I started to wonder where they were. I couldn't even take a step as a hand caught my right foot. Horror crept back into my bones and I prepared myself mentally for a painful death, drowned in a beautifully shaped lake hiding a deadly depth most probably. I looked down and felt relieved and disappointed at the same time at the sight of a fragile hand with slim fingers wrapped around my ankle. Seriously? This was the monster of the lake? Come on! If I stepped on her hand it would have cracked under my foot like a twig. The "monster" was actually a beautiful girl with ginger hair and turquoise eyes. Judging by the beautiful wings she was either a well-played cosplay or an actual... fairy. I slapped myself mentally at the last thought. Sure Vale, fairies exist. What are you? A 5 year old? Come on woman, pull yourself together!

Red Lips Always Lie vol.1 [Bts fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now