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          I stood up and ran towards them, trying to ignore the splitting headache that suddenly caught my head in a tight grip

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          I stood up and ran towards them, trying to ignore the splitting headache that suddenly caught my head in a tight grip. I stumbled a few steps with one hand placed on my forehead and I felt Yoongi's presence behind me almost immediately, one of his arms wrapped around my waist before I collapsed on the sand. My vision became blurry and the world started spinning as he crouched down near me. The girls reached me and as Vale cupped my face I could hear Aria breathing heavily nearby.

Vale: Denise! You're safe now! Don't worry!
???: She might feel a little... dizzy. You know, traveling through a portal is not easy for a human body. *a man who looked like the most complex fantasy character I have ever seen spoke and the blurriness disappeared as I visualized him*
Denise: What? Who are you?
???: I'm Magnus Bane! Nice to meet you. How are you feeling?
Denise: Dizzy. And confused, I might say.
Yoongi: Magnus... *he stood up and shook Magnus's hand* Long time no see!
Magnus: My dear Yoongi... *he showed a heartwarming smile, similar to that of a father or a bigger brother* Who thought that you might get into trouble...
Yoongi: Well I had something else planned.
Denise: *I didn't have to look at him to get the obvious answer, that he was staring at me* Dare to put the blame on me... *I stared at the sea which sparkled in the deathly beauty of the night as I spoke with a lethal calm*... and I'll slit your throat.
Yoongi: You don't have the knives anymore.
Denise: I was pretty creative as a kid. I am sure that I can make up a weapon using some random shells. *I showed him a cocky smile*
Magnus: We all had a tough day... What if we spend the night here?
Denise: We sleep on the sand?
Magnus: No, silly. In my house!
Aria: You... own a house on this island?
Magnus: Actually... I made it for Alexander. We used to come here, but now he's so busy, he barely has time to breathe.

          I looked around as the girls helped me stand up. The island was beautiful, its white sand looking like powdered sugar on a cupcake and the sea was pretty calm, despite the tense atmosphere on the beach. Magnus was walking ahead of us, his arm placed on Chanyeol's shoulders as he talked to the wolf. I bit my lip, knowing that soon I had to discuss with him. Guilt was eating me up. But I couldn't find the words to talk to him. Not yet.
         Yoongi was walking behind us. I heard him answer Jungkook's questions briefly, most of his answers consisting of simple words like 'yes' and 'no'. Neither one of us was able to think straight.

Vale: *she held my hand tightly* I'm not going to let go of your hand ever again!
Aria: *she took my other hand* Me neither!
Denise: Thank you girls!
Aria: Did you hear what I said?
Denise: About what?
Aria: Nevermind.
Denise: *I shook my head lightly and scoffed* I will give you back the money once we manage to escape this... *I squinted my eyes at her* ... you materialistic motherfucker.
Aria: *she laughed* Until the last penny?
Denise: Until the last penny. *I laughed too*
Magnus: Here we are! *he spoke loudly for everyone to hear*
Vale: Wow...
Aria: It's very beautiful!

          The beach house was huge, its massive and exotic appearance serving as well as a "Welcome" sign with pineapple and surfboards painted on it. A huge pool was placed in front of the house, looking like a futuristic doormat which leads right into the open space living-room. Two sets of stairs led to the rooms placed on the first floor and the room count seemed to continue in the attic which looked like hiding three massive bedrooms. I love to see this modern architectural style and by the way the girls were looking at it showed me that they were also in love with the building.

Red Lips Always Lie vol.1 [Bts fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now