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          The girls were safe

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          The girls were safe. They looked as confused as me, but they were safe. Vale was staring at the tall boy near her, caution hiding behind her stare and Aria looked just like a deer in the middle of the road, petrified by blinding headlights. There were six other young men staying near my girls... And that wasn't right.

Denise: *I greeted them politely* Hello!

          The boys smiled and presented themselves as the owners of the mansion. Jin, the oldest brother, Namjoon, who looked kind, Hoseok, who seemed to have a bright personality, Jimin, a little too unapproachable, Taehyung, the tall man Vale avoided and Jungkook, whom Aria was monitoring. But no trace of the pervert I met earlier. What did he say his name was? It doesn't matter anyway.

Denise: Nice to meet you! My name is Denise and they are *I pointed towards the girls* Aria and Vale.
Aria & Vale: Hello!
Namjoon: *he bowed his head politely, but looked around as if someone was missing* Where is Yoongi?
Yoongi: Here! *he spoke from behind me, making me flinch*
Denise: Oh my God!
Yoongi: *his smirk made me feel uneasy as I took a step away from him* Namjoon if you don't do something about them, I will take care of it. *I frowned as I looked at his pale cheek; I hit him pretty hard, at least a red mark should have appeared*
Jungkook: Your clothes look so... I've never seen them before! Where did you get them from?
Aria: They are pyjamas with unicorns.
Taehyung: What's a unicorn?
Vale: You don't know what a unicorn is? *she seemed to be judging him hard* Anyway... these clothes are from the year 2022. The year we all live in. Right? *she seemed to try to convince herself more than she tried to convince the seven pale men*
Taehyung: Year 2022? Wow... How is it there? How can I get there? Is it far away? You don't seem exhausted. So I will take a guess and I will say that 2022 is nearby. *my head hurt because of the amount of questions he asked*
Jin: That stupid witch brought them here, you idiot! But why... *the three of us frowned our eyebrows... witch?*
Taehyung: *he rolled his eyes* However... I didn't even want to go there so badly. But, how would I look if I ever went there? Would I have silver hair and a long beard and-
Denise & Aria & Vale: You would look dead!
Taehyung: Wh-What? *his eyes opened wide and then he chuckled* I can't die... I'm a vamp-
Namjoon: What do you think if we give you some clothes? Your... pink outfits are maybe too dirty to sleep in. *he whispered almost unnoticeable* And indecent.
Denise: Excuse me?
Yoongi: *he spoke loud enough so that everybody could hear* He said that you are too indecent. For real now. Which brothel do you belong to? *he pointed towards my exposed waist, the pink top covering only my chest and stopping at my belly button, leaving the rest of the skin exposed*
Denise: *I covered my abdomen with my hands* EXCUSE ME!?
Yoongi: Now you cover yourself? You are a woman. You should know your limits. *everyone was silent, his yell reverberating through the walls* Those clothes cover nothing!
Jungkook: *he placed a long jacket on my shoulders which fell all the way to my knees as he spoke through gritted teeth* Yoongi. Control your temper!
Denise: *I wrapped the jacket tighter around my body* Who are you to judge my way of dressing up?
Yoongi: *his eyes pierced through mine as I ignored the weakness in my knees* Who are you to come uninvited into my house?
Namjoon: Okay everyone! Let's all calm down. We will bring you other clothes.
Vale: *she nodded, looking at me, her eyes full of worries* I think it would be a great idea.
Namjoon: Ok then... Wait here! Let's find some clothes for them!

Red Lips Always Lie vol.1 [Bts fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now