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          Instinctively, I screamed my lungs out and covered my chest, despite the purple colored water that was surrounding me

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          Instinctively, I screamed my lungs out and covered my chest, despite the purple colored water that was surrounding me. He widened his eyes at me while my scream reverberated through the wooden walls of the expensively decorated bathroom. I wished I could stand up and punch him in his stupid and pervert face, but at the same time I wished I could sink deeper into the water, maybe possibly drown.

Vale: *I yelled* What are you doing here?
Taehyung: I wanted to show you something.
Vale: While I'm having a bath? Go ahead and slap me. It would leave me less confused.
Taehyung: I am not violent.
Vale: But you clearly are rude! Uneducated bastard.
Taehyung: I can come back another time.
Vale: Please leave! And don't return.
Taehyung: Fine!
Vale: Fine!
Taehyung: But-
Vale: Get out!
Taehyung: Listen-
Vale: Out!
Taehyung: *he turned around* See you later. *he shut the door behind him*
Vale: *I mumbled, still covering my chest* See you never.

          And I thought that our first encounter was the weirdest of all. This man never fails to surprise me. How can he consider barging into the bathroom while a lady is completely naked a proper thing? Lack of manners: checked.
          One hour passed and I couldn't actually relax. My mind was constantly telling me to look around and hurry up. It was constantly reminding me that these people were dangerous people. And I was sleeping under their roof. After I rinsed my body and my hair, I dried myself with a soft towel and put on a light pink dress. This time I brought spare clothes beforehand. I don't want to stand naked in front of them ever again. Last time it was embarrassing and awkward. I won't let it happen again. While I dried my hair with the towel I looked at myself in the mirror. I honestly picked this dress randomly when I searched in a hurry for something to wear while the water was boiling downstairs. I didn't look at the color, length or model of the dress. I just took the first material my hand touched. But I had to admit that it looked good on me. The pink material of this dress felt heavier than the one Magnus gave to me. I reminded myself to wash that dress and take it with me when I leave this world. If I ever leave this world.
          My skin was contrasting with the light color of the dress while I gently rubbed my scalp with the white towel. I stared at myself and for a moment I felt pity. I didn't know what I was going through. Was I scared or was I genuinely confused? I was extracted from my world and propelled into another dimension, without any instructions, without any further explanation. I scoffed. Maybe this is all a dream. Maybe this isn't real. It can't be. Vampires don't exist and still... I tend to believe that this world is their world. A fantasy world of vampires, werewolves, fairies and God knows what other creatures. We spent three days here and we still don't know our purpose? I should search for Denise and investigate a little bit. It seemed a bit off at first, but now it feels completely wrong.
          While thoughts about getting out of here, finding purposes and solutions crashed inside my head, I didn't realize that my breathing became irregular. What if these people will transform into psychopaths like their parents did and start to torture us one by one? What if they already are psychopaths? I looked at myself in the mirror, still breathing heavily; I observed the wet strands of hair covering a part of my face while I approached the rectangular mirror. What curse was that old woman talking about? Do they lie because of that curse? Is this all a lie to lure us into a dangerous environment? Why didn't I think about this before? Why didn't I feel this anxious before? My reflection held a dizzying stare as I felt a weird sensation in my chest. It felt like someone was strangling me. My lungs started to hurt and for a few good seconds I couldn't breathe. I tried to scream. I couldn't. I threw the towel on the floor and tugged at the collar of the dress, hoping to loosen the tension, but then, time stopped. The lack of air in my lungs made my vision become blurry and I felt like I suddenly became a photo camera, focusing on one objective: the mirror. The image of the rectangular mirror slowly became clearer and my reflection... it wasn't mine. I mean, it was me. But clearly not from the present. It could have been either past or future, my mind couldn't process. But I felt like I had to take it as a sign. A warning sign. I analyzed every detail of the mirage in front of me. I looked awful... my hair was short, with split ends hanging above my shoulders and it was completely messed up, with rebel hair strands brushing on my wounded cheeks. I was covered in dirt and blood, I couldn't even count how many cuts were on my face, neck and hands. Instead of the pink princess dress, my reflection was wearing a warrior's armor, probably made of copper. The shine of the copper armor was hidden under burgundy spots of blood, but underneath the thick red stains and severe cuts and creases, I could still see the details clearly. A sun element was engraved on the chest plate surrounded by carved roses. The armor was covering my chest, my arms all the way down to my wrists, it was tight around my waist and was protecting my thighs and calves while my feet were tightly wrapped in a pair of brown leather boots. I probably looked stunning when I first put it on, but in the mirror mirage, I looked awful. A rebellious looking Vale, dressed up in an armor made for women and holding two swords in her trembling and wounded hands, looking as if she started a riot and fought in the front line. I didn't recognize myself in her. I have always been a fighter, but this appearance... Despite her wounded and almost destroyed body, the rebellious woman's eyes were sparkling with hope. She was hoping for something. A war was taking place behind her, the muffled screams of people dying and the sound of iron on iron filling the mirror and crawling inside the bathroom in the form of black mist that was threatening to swallow me up. The sparks which were zealously burning inside her eyes didn't go out and as she stared at me with big, round eyes I couldn't help but notice a ferocious determination growing with her every heart beat. I couldn't really understand what she was determined to win that war for, but I wanted to give her all my strength. I wanted to help her.
          I slowly raised my arm and stretched my hand towards my reflection. The pain in my chest was suffocating me, but I almost reached her, the tip of my fingers lingering near the mirror that was separating us. I noticed her mouthing something: "Be strong!" She didn't stretch her hand towards me, she didn't do anything, but I noticed the tear that slid down her cheek. It left a trail behind, cleaning the dirt from her cheek, making her face look like a map of an ancient world. She closed her eyes and suddenly a shadow arose behind her. The shadow transformed into a blurred blonde woman who smiled mischievously and laughed like a wicked witch, the strident sound injuring my ears. She stretched her hands and in a split second grabbed the defenseless Vale, who dropped the weapons, from behind. They both transformed into a blue fog and as I yelled as loud as I could 'No!' a crack formed in the middle of the mirror, extending and making it break into millions of pieces.
          It shattered completely and I instinctively took a step back. My feet tripped in the white towel that I threw on the floor earlier and I lost balance, fell and almost hit my head on the edge of the bathtub. Air flooded my lungs again, but my heavy breathing returned, making me feel paranoid and causing a panic attack. I gripped my chest and tried to calm down. It was just a vision. It was just a figment of my imagination. That definitely wasn't me. But the hope in her eyes... I gasped for air and embraced my legs, resting my forehead on my knees. The cold and wet strands of hair glued to my cheeks and my whole body started shaking. It felt so real. It felt like a warning. But it wasn't a warning... right?

Red Lips Always Lie vol.1 [Bts fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now