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          I shook their hands and gave each three of them a tight hug

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          I shook their hands and gave each three of them a tight hug.

Magnus: You will have to go through the Hollow Forest and find the portal that will transport you to your final destination. Chanyeol and his pack will be waiting for you at the entrance in order to escort you to the portal.
Taehyung: With or without the wolves *he sounded worried* why do they have to leave during the night?
Magnus: I am afraid these are the rules.
Yoongi: *he almost raged* This fucking world has no rules- *he cleared his throat as Denise grabbed his hand* No one makes the rules here, Magnus. They can wait until morning.
Magnus: *I shook my head* I am sorry to disappoint you, but someone does make the rules. Especially for this dangerous game.
Yoongi: *he let go of Denise's hand and approached me slowly* We are friends, Magnus. We've always been. But if they go into that *he pointed towards the Hollow Forest* and don't come out of it alive... *our gazes met and the rage that was burning inside his eyes made me take a small step back*... we will become your worst enemy.
Magnus: *I laughed nervously, trying to lighten the mood* No need to act so dramatically. The girls are well trained. They are going to break the curse like a twig and come back safe and sound.
Denise: *her arms wrapped around his upper body, her left hand unintentionally being placed on his heart* Magnus is right. There is no need to worry.
Yoongi: *the distrust in his stare felt like the lash of a whip* I hope so.

          While the three couples said their 'see you later', I concentrated my stare on the moon, absorbing its celestial essence and letting it fill the voids that bruised my conscience recently. I was the filthiest liar. They surely weren't going to come out of that place. Alive or not, they were going to become puppets on a string for one of the most powerful creatures that this world has ever heard about.
          With the time ticking and the courage building up, I stood on the hill, keeping a steady, protective gaze on the girls until I saw them getting lost in the gloomy foliage of the Hollow Forest.

Chanyeol's P.o.v:

          The high trees and the dense bushes hid us from the moonlight. I was closer to the entrance of the Hollow Forest, the rest of the pack being strategically placed behind various rocks, trees and roots. We were assigned with the duty to escort the girls towards the portal safely. My father was totally against this and strongly opposed. But I have to pay my debt. Magnus saved my life and I wasn't going to leave things unsettled.
          Footsteps could be heard in the distance, coming closer and closer. Judging by the lightness of the steps and the scent, the girls were approaching us and I slowly walked on the path, ready to greet the three damsels. But the gloom of the forest stared back at me. It was odd. The steps resounded louder and while nobody showed up, my ears twitched and my pulse increased. A white mist crawled on the path, encapsulating it in a horrific scenery. Then, whoever liked to play tricks on us slowly made their presence felt. Chills went down my spine as from the density of the white fog, a silhouette with a black hood covering their face stepped ahead. It had a dark aura floating around them and I couldn't deduce any specific body shapes. I growled cautiously, announcing Kai, the Beta of the pack, and Chen, the Gamma, that I needed backup. To my surprise, the silhouette stopped in its tracks and a centuries old voice resounded within.

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