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Denise's P

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Denise's P.o.v:

          The next few hours passed quickly and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness in his room, I could deduce Yoongi's features better. His pale skin made him look like a marble statue and when his hands played with mine, I couldn't help but notice the blue veins on his perfectly sculpted hands. His voice also sounded different in the dark and every time he whispered, shivers went down my spine. Just like we did back at Magnus's beach house, we spent the precious time we got for ourselves in the darkness's embrace. Small talks intertwined with small touches and for the first time since I got here I didn't feel alone. I could feel that he wanted to get to know me and as minutes passed, with every new information, we grew closer and closer, tagging our relationship as better friends. Because that's what we were. Friends. I was a lost woman and he was the kind owner of this mansion. Okay... not really kind though. But kind enough to offer me accomodation and not let me die in the woods.
          We didn't talk about what happened with Jimin. He didn't need the details and I didn't feel like giving the details. It was harsh and unexpected and it surely left a few scars behind, but it belonged to the past. And it should remain there. Buried deep until I channelize my fear and use it against him when I torture the Hell out of him. When I use my most lethal weapon: the person laying beside me, kissing the tips of my fingers and laughing. Maybe my subconscious knew something that I didn't know, making me impulsively brush my hand through his hair, throw one of my legs over his lower body, laugh when he kisses my hand and rest my head on his chest as if we were a couple watching Netflix on a lazy Sunday. I usually get bored if I don't watch TV. But not this time. This time it was different. With every stolen look that became more shy than the one before, we found ourselves dancing a dangerous pas de deux on the edge of a sharp knife. Despite my previous encounters with men, I really disliked the idea of going too far. But with him it was different. And I didn't think about the very few days that passed since we knew each other when he whispered in my ear "Everything will be alright!" Somehow, in the naivety of the situation I really believed him. I really wanted to believe that this wasn't the beginning of the end.
          The friends status faded away slowly as his hand on my hip felt light. As his body came closer to mine. As his lips finally conquered my own. I tried to fight back the feeling. I tried to retreat and ask for a truce. But I was already wounded, bleeding on the battlefield and he was the only one who saved me. The only one who could heal me. As his mouth pressed on the corner of my mouth, I felt his muscles tense up. His grip on my hip tightened slightly and I heard him sigh angrily.

Denise: What's wrong? *I looked into his eyes*
Yoongi: I sense him. *he sounded irritated*
Denise: What?
Yoongi: I sense his scent. It's all over you.
Denise: *I bit my lip* Can you make it disappear?
Yoongi: I don't want you to go through the same fright. I don't want to go overboard.
Denise: *I pulled his face closer to mine and whispered on his lips* Erase him from my body. *I intertwined my fingers with his* Replace him.

          I placed his hand on my breast, his hand feeling good where Jimin's hand felt wrong. His grip was light for a few moments as he let amusement appear on his face.

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