#3: You're not Here ('The Aftermath of Chat Blanc' Part 2)

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So, here is the Pt. 2 of "The Aftermath of Chat Blanc" 

This is definitely not one of my best works (I'm cringing SO badly over here) but I promised ya'll a Pt. 2, so here we are!

Btw, I made the painting above :)

To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed by ya'll. You guys told me that ya'll will read my first two oneshots; but all I got was votes and 1 or two comments. You guys, I really would like ya'll to comment on these so I know what parts you liked, what I could improve on, or whatever comical things you write in the comments section!

So, I'd like to ask you to go back and read the first two oneshots of this book, as well as this one. Pretty please? 

Now that that matter is taken care of...Enjoy!

Please comment a bunch!!


*Previously on "The Aftermath of Chat Blanc (Part 1)*

She was gone. And she couldn't come back.

Thus was the curse of the Aftermath of Chat Blanc.

*1 year later*

Adrien was a wreak.

Gone was the light in his green eyes. Gone was the spring in his step. His once-glowing, tan skin was now pale and dull.

He lived alone in the Agreste Mansion. A thick layer of dust rested in the house. He had no servants or employees. He just stayed cooped up in his room.

He hadn't talked to anyone since that tragic day. The last thing he had said to his friends was to relay Marinette's last words. 'Tell them that I love them and will miss them.'

He hadn't told them that she had been Ladybug. He knew that she wouldn't have liked it if she knew that her friends thought of her as Ladybug, not Marinette. It'd be like dishonoring her.

He would never intentionally dishonor his Lady's wishes.

And yet, there was one request that he didn't fulfill. He still blamed himself for Marinette's death, every single day. Even though she had begged him not to.

"Kid," Plagg reasoned. "You gotta stop beating yourself up about this. I get it; you feel terrible. But this isn't what she would have wanted. She told you to keep your chin up! To still be happy, for her sake!"

"How?! How do you know what Marinette wanted?" Adrien snarled. "You don't know--that's what! You don't know, because she was obviously not in the right state of mind before she died!!"

"You just called 'your Lady' insane! But you're wrong; do you honestly believe that Ladybug was crazy? No. Because you are the one that's going crazy. You are blaming yourself for something that you couldn't have done anything—"

"—I could have saved her!" Adrien screamed. "I could have taken the knife for her, but I failed!!" He broke off into shuddering sobs.

Plagg flew to his aid, rubbing Adrien's back with his small hand. "I'm sorry, kid. I didn't mean to make ya so upset," he remarked, sheepishly. "I just think that you need to remember your promise to Ladybug."

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