Q&A with Katie!!!!

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Oh my gosh! My book just hit 2k reads!!!

I'm gonna cry!! 😭😭

You guys, I didn't even think it would ever make it to 1k! This is such a huge deal to me!! Aaaaaaaaahhh

Anyway, I promised you that after it hit 2k reads, I'd do a Q&A!!

So, you guys sent in your questions, and now, I'm gonna answer them!!

Here goes!!


Robin_Fan01 asked "What do you want to happen in Miraculous Ladybug season 4?"

In all honesty, I want my OTP to get together! XD

I know that it might not happen until at least S5, but I can always hope.

Also, I hope that we'll get to see Marinette in a different outfit or hairstyle. Or a new superhero.


LemxnCustxrd asked "When did you first start watching MLB?"

I started watching it when I was 14. I remember, it was December, and my little sister had been asking me to watch this show with her.

She put on the first two episodes "The Bubbler" and "Mr. Pigeon" and I cringed sooooooo badly. But she made me watch several more episodes.

By "Copycat", I was hooked. (Not to mention, I was also in love with Chat Noir XD)


therampionismylimo asked "Which TLC character are you most like?"

I'd definitely say that I'm most like Cress. Both physically and mentally.

I'm pretty short and fair skinned, to start with. And although I'm not blonde-haired and blue-eyed; I really relate to her, the most.

I love to sing and am a hardcore hopeless romantic. I have an overactive imagination, tend to be over dramatic, and am very soft spoken (unless I'm with my lifelong friends)

Oh, and then there's the crush on Thorne, too! (Captain is King!!!)

Actually, come to think of it, now that I've written this all down, it looks like I'm a mix of Cress and Iko!!  Hahaha!


therampionismylimo asked "Also, in 'Worlds Collide',  when *certain character* took the bullet for Alex, did you cry?"

Oh mamma, you bet I did!!

My friend who introduced me to the series had told me to read it slowly and that there was a huge tear-jerker on page...I think it was page 318. And being me, I brushed it off and didn't pay attention to the page numbers.

So, I was riding the bus home from school and hadn't realized I had gotten to that page, until I realized that *certain character* had been shot!!!

I had to close the book, and sit on the bus for 15 more minutes until I got home; telling myself "don't cry don't cry don't cry" over and over again.

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