#40: No One

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*the scene opens on a river*

*splashing noises*

*Katie emerges from the river, coughing*

*climbs up the river bank, still coughing*

*sputters* That's the last time that I challenge Percy to a breath-holding challenge!

*looks up at laughing readers*

Oh! Hi, there! If you could just ignore the fact that I look like a drowned rat---what else is new---allow me to introduce you to this oneshot! This was a request made by my irl friend, Nayhomi12. The request was "Something with flirty Viperion?"

I literally grinned so big. I love this idea. BUT, I decided to change it up a little, I hope you don't mind.

So, let's add a little bit of ~SPICE~

*opens spice cabinet*

*adds a dash of Jealous Chat*



I'm going to be honest, this is not my neatest oneshot---it's basically crack, but I had a lot of fun writing it, so I call it a win.


This is a VERY short chapter, but in my defense, I'm working on something BIG, and it's currently 12:16 am when I'm writing this. Good gravy I'm so tired.


Also, I have a REALLY important announcement at the end of this oneshot, so PLEASE read until the end!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go join my fellow Apollo kids. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee




"Thanks again for your help with the akuma, Marinette," Chat Noir said with a small bow. 

The blunette laughed. "My pleasure, Chat Noir. Although," she turned to the other boy to her left. "I'm certain Viperion was much more of a help than I was."

The snake hero shook his head with a grin. "Don't underestimate yourself, Marinette. You're probably the most valuable person here."

Chat watched in confusion as he watched the girl's face flush. What was that about?

"Who? M-me? Haha!" She laughed. "No, I'm not. Besides, you guys are the most valuable; you're superheroes!"

"Thanks for the compliment, Purrince---"

"---Are you sure about that?" Viperion regarded Marinette with a playful look.

Chat looked at the other hero in shock. No one interrupted him when he was making a pun. No one. 

Marinette cocked her head, cheeks still ablaze. "I don't know what you mean," she denied.

"Well," the boy with turquoise hair continued. "I think that you are very valuable---much more than any diamond could be," he sent a flirty look through his thick lashes at her. "And much prettier to look at. Your eyes glitter brighter than any gem on Earth or in the sky."

The feline hero felt his mouth drop. Viperion was flirting with Marinette. No one flirted with Marinette! (If they did, Chat would make sure that it wouldn't happen again. They'd never find their bodies.)

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