#38: High School Imagines

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*chatters and runs in on all fours like a monkey*

OOH-OOH-AHH-AHH!!! EE-EE-OWW--OOH--O......h!!!!

*stands up, abruptly*

Sorry you had to see that. It's just that my friend and I were trying to figure out what the verb is for the sound a monkey makes. 

Like, we know they say "ooh! Ooh! Ahh-ahh!" but, like what's the verb for it? Ya know? Like how a dog barks, a cat meows, or an elephant trumpets? I wanna know!!!! I think monkeys either chatter, howl, or hoot. But I can't figure it out. I'm having an existential crisis because of this thought.

Seriously, though, if you know that answer, please tell me.


This isn't a oneshot, exactly, sorry! It's mostly just a bunch of headcanons, instead! 

If I actually wrote this, I'd wager to bet it'd take about 8,000 words. I'm sorry, but I'm a little exhausted, this week, so I could really use an easy update!

Anyway! This is a bunch of my 'High School Things' headcanons about 'Miraculous Ladybug'! "What is that," you ask? Well, I just noticed that the MLB show takes place at a high school, but we don't really get a bunch of actual high-school events or scenarios that would normally happen! So here's my remedy for that!


This is a very short update, but in my defense I'M TIRED


I will have you know that I searched for 30+ minutes for this specific piece of artwork. If anyone is looking for the artist, their name is tides-miraculous on tumblr and they have heaps of quality DJWifi stuff! 





Football/Sports games---I can definitely imagine Kim, Alix, and/or Ondine competing with other schools (and taking the trophies). Alya would record the events for the school blog and I'm positive that Nino would be the announcer (like Lee Jordan from Harry Potter). Marinette would make a banner to cheer at them and the rest of the Mari-squad would be there as support. Plus, I can also see Kim and Alix having a rivalry from one of the opposing schools and them setting pranks against them.

Bake-offs---We can all see Mari and the girls banding together and hanging out at the Bakery to do their project. But have you considered what the boys would do? XD I assume they'd procrastinate to the last second, try out their baking skills, find out they're terrible, and either buy goods from a grocery store or steal the girls' stuff from the bakery.


Science---We need to consider failed experiments (like at the artwork, above). Who was roughhousing in the science lab? How was it screwed up? Who would be the people who did everything wrong on purpose?

Choir/Theatre---I'm sorry, but I need some musical theatre headcanons. I think that Marinette is in the choir. Alya is an alto and Mar is a soprano. They also roped the boys into it, as well. Nino is surprisingly good at singing and is a Bass 1/Tenor 2. Juleka is a really good singer, but isn't confident about it. My biggest one, though, is that Mylene is the resident theatre kid. She also has tried to get Ivan into it, but he's so confused but he wants to make her happy. I'm sure that Mari joins in on fangirling about DEH and Wicked---she just gives me those vibes XD Chloe is an advent Mean Girls fan.

Math---We all know that Max and Sabrina would rule this subject. I also have an ADORABLE headcanon where Max realises that he has a crush on Sabrina and goes to Adrien for advise. That leads to him giving Sabrina an algebraic equation where the answer is "U = 10" (*cough cough* "You are a '10'" *wink* )

PE---Alix and Kim would beat everyone. No doubt. To everyone's surprise Marinette and Adrien are phenomenal at parkour, gymnastics, and spar fights. BUT I read a headcanon somewhere that Mari absolutely dominates at dodgeball. Her motto is NO SURVIVORS.

Financial Lit---I had to add this. I know it's not common, but Chloe has to have at least ONE class she likes enough. And I can bet that she's the fastest at calculating and budgeting money because she knows the sums, quality, and quantities of the things she needs.

Friend Group Things:

Movie Nights--- (Girls) Pillow and blanket forts. Everyone brings snacks for the snack tray. Disney Movies. Occasional horror movies. Pajamas can vary between cutesy ones to hoodies and leggings. Hair braiding trains. ; (Boys) Wrestling matches with pillows down their shirts so they look like off-brand Sumo wrestlers. The host has to set up the messy nacho table. Hardly actually watch the movie.

Anime---Adrien is the president of this activity. It's just a given. Mari joins in anime because she wanted something to talk with Adrien about and then she accidentally got addicted to it and now watches until 3am and texts back and forth with our fav blonde boi. 

Indecisive friends--- Ivan, Mylene, Rose, and Juleka. The banters of "What do you wanna do?" "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" back and forth (This is me and my two besties XD)

Too decisive/combustible friends: Alix, Max, and Kim. They fight over what to do. Just, yes.


I'm gonna have to end it here. Sorry! I wanted to write  more but I ran out of ammo. 

Plus, I need to get ahead and write the next oneshot! (It's gonna be about a really underrated character and is AWESOME!!!)

Do you guys have any more normal high school headcanons/imagines?


I lowkey wanna be part of the boyzzz

They just seem so fun. Like, I love being a girl and all, but sometimes we're too boring when we hang out. All we seem to do is have a Disney movie night and do hair. And I like those things! I really do!

Just, once in a while, I want to sit with a group of boys at a table and have a contest on who can do the loudest monkey sound. Or I want to have a bonfire where we chant nonsense and sacrifice trash (and possible raise a demon---I mean---you never know!)


Any comments?


Have a nice day!

OOH-OOH-AHH-AHH Katie, out! *drops monkey microphone*

OOH-OOH-AHH-AHH Katie, out! *drops monkey microphone*

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