#8: Call me for 'Round Two'

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Please don't make any dirty remarks to the title, it is a reference to a game that will take place later in the oneshot.


Before I begin introducing the oneshot, there's something I feel I need to address.

Something kinda traumatic happened to me and I'm trying to prevent it from happening again. 

No, no one died, or anything. But a close friend of mine did betray my trust.

He hurt me, pretty badly, by doing this.

So, anyone who knows me at all knows how I try and stay as innocent as possible. I remove myself from any and all situations that could go down that path. To the point where the people around me always warn me, so that I don't have to determine what to do, by myself. 

They'll tell me, "Katelyn, I don't think you'll wanna play the game ("Cards Against Humanity,' I think was what it was called), you might wanna stay in the hotel room."

 I remember that when I was in Drama Class, there was this black girl who practically adopted me. Whenever anyone said a cuss word, even though I was fine with it, she'd either shut them up or run over and cover my ears.

Anyway, about 3 days ago, my 'friend' who I've known for almost 5 years, sent me two really dirty jokes. 

When I confronted him about it, his 'excuse' was that he thought that I won't be so innocent for long and he took it as his job to introduce me to the 'real world.' He then insisted that he knew I had laughed.

In reality, I was sobbing. He violated my trust, and I don't think things will be the same again. I'm still gonna be friends with him, but if he does it again, I'm blocking him and cutting him off from my life. 

I don't need or want that stuff plaguing my phone or my mind.

(He didn't apologize until I threatened to block him. And his 'apology' was "lol XD sorry it was a joke)


The point of me writing this is so that you guys know that I'm okay with y'all cussing or whatever in the comments, that's your choice, so yo-do-you. But please don't say anything dirty or 'pervert-ish' because I don't like it and am really affected by it.

No, this hasn't happened before, in any of my stories. No one has commented anything dirty. But after my 'friend' did that, I know that it's best to lay down some rules.

So, Rule #1: Respect others' descisions (For instance my lack of cussing)

Rule #2: No dirty jokes or references

Rule #3: Positive vibes only :)

Thank you for your respect and support!!


Now, onto introducing the oneshot!!

This one is a Felinette! Yay!!

I've never done a Felinette, before, but hopefully this turned out okay!! XD

So, in this, I made Felix a bit nicer....I know he's supposed to be rude and sarcastic and whatnot, but my hopeless-romantic tendencies demanded for me to write him as a little more nice and chivalrous.

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