#37: A Tale of Fallen Heroes(Pt. 6)

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My name is Katie Montoya. 

You read my update. 

Prepare to cry.


No, my last name is not Montoya---it's a reference!! If you guys got that reference, you get a peanut!


Seriously, though, you might want tissues.

This is also a looooooooong chapter, to make up for the measly 500-word oneshot, last week. This one is exactly 5,000 words long.


Enjoy! (*cough cough* SUFFER *cough cough*)


"A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt.6)"

Chapter 6: Bite of a Viper

The three heroes practically flew over the treetops, bouncing from one to another, quickly. They bounded across the leaves, almost racing each other. The moonlit branches and greenery shone silver in the early morning. The sun was not up—nor would it be for a few more hours.

Bumblewing's heart was pounding, loudly. She was positive that Remmytail could hear it. The trio came to a stop and she tried to halt her ragged breathing. She couldn't help being apprehensive—they'd all been awake because of uneasy feelings that something bad was going to happen! So was this that something bad? She wasn't sure she wanted to find out.

She muffled a yelp as Remmytail suddenly snatched her around the waist--forcing her to a sudden stop in the foliage. He silently pointed ahead of their route to where a crowd of people stood---which he'd noticed due to his heightened senses. 

After a few more moments, he indicated for Foxglove and Bumblewing to follow him. They watched his lithe figure slide across a thick branch--barely disturbing the leaves. The two friends followed suit. At last, they came as close to the campfire as they dared. Concealed, they sat there and watched the proceedings. The people below seemed to be waiting for something. Or rather, someone. They stood in an awkward semi-circle, facing the fire and looking around, anxiously. The three heroes stood in tense crouches, even more tense than the people in the clearing. This went on for twenty-or-so minutes before anything happened. Correction; before anything interesting happened.

From his position in the trees, Remmy saw a figure walking at a leisurely pace towards the conflicted crowd. He quietly nudged Foxglove and the bee heroine, motioning towards the newcomer. The man approached the people at a leisurely pace, like he had all the time in the world.

The man was tall and powerful-looking. His skin was tanned, but it was hard be certain in the fire-light. It was difficult to tell, but Rem could have sworn the man's hair purple and was in a high ponytail. He had a deadly shade of violet robes with almost poison-black armored-plating on his legs. He wore thick black calf-length boots---they looked almost military-grade. The rat hero wished he could have gotten a better look at the man, but for secrecy's sake he decided to remain in the foliage.

The hidden heroes watched as the mystery-man strode towards the crowd, who were barely noticing his presence. He finally made his way to a stop in front of the gathered people. He smirked and looked at each of their faces. He held his arms out in a mock-grand-gesture, almost sarcastically.

MLB OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora