#14: MLB Characters in Quarantine

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Yo! What up my peeps?!!

I'm sorry, I was just tryin' to be cool, for once.

As you can see, I failed. Miserably.

Oh well!

Blame it on Quarantine, I guess. I'm on day 50.... eh.... 50-something. I don't even know what day it is anymore...


P.S. What do you think of the art? I think it's very cute! XD


So, I asked you guys to vote which you would prefer: short descriptions of the characters or a mini story.

And the winner is....

*trumpet noises* Da da da daaaaa~

Short Descriptions!!! YAY!!

tbh, I'm kinda relieved that y'all chose this. Why? 

Because I'm lazy and this'll turn out to be kinda short and be easy to do. And I'm gonna save all my creative writing super powers for the next chap.

It's gonna be about the fight that ended all the Miraculous Heroes, until Marinette and Adrien came along, of course.

I need y'all to vote on the title for it:

"The Battle of the Past Heroes"


"A Tale of Fallen Heroes"


Also, idk if you saw my announcement or not, but this is the plan for the next 7-8 updates:

#15: The Battle of the Past Heroes/A Tale of Fallen Heroes (1/?)

#16: Call Me for 'Round Two' (Pt. 2) (I'm so excited for this one!! I have a really cool idea!)

#17: Pirates of the Caribbean!AU (This one is gonna be a Marichat)

#18: The Battle of the Past Heroes/A Tale of Fallen Heroes (2/?)

#19: ??????????????????(It's gonna be a ChatxKatie/Me!! The plot and title are kinda up in the air, right now....any ideas? Please tell me, I'm desperate...)

#20: Romeo and Juliet!AU (It's gonna be Adrienette!! But I don't wanna rewrite Shakespeare just to replace Romeo and Juliet with Adrien and Marinette, so I have an idea....I won't say much, but I can guarantee that I'm not gonna use a whole lot of Shakespearean language and riddles.)

Any new requests? I love getting them!!! (They just might take a while! XD)


Before we get to what I wrote, I need y'all to know that I need y'all to PLZ read and comment on the stuff that I ask for help on, at the bottom of the page at the end f the story. Please! I need your help!


Onto the...*searching for a word to call what I wrote*...STUFF!!


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