#15: A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Foreword)

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WARNING: I am no expert on the Chinese culture, history, and am not familiar with their way of life. I don't know anything about their customs or culture, or anything like that. So, as a result, there will be many historical, name, period, and culture inaccuracies in this short story. Please don't call me out on them; I am only writing this for my own gain of pride, for fun, and for my readers' enjoyment. Thank you for respecting my decision.


Now that the serious stuff is out of the way; welcome the story!

I have titled it; "A Tale of Fallen Heroes", as you can see. So, you can already guess that this will be a sad story. But before we get onto all the angst and sadness, we gotta develop the characters and plot. Yay!!

Since a story takes a while to develop; I have split this story into several parts. In the end, I believe that there will be about 7-8 parts.

So, take it easy; I promise to update as regularly as I can.

But y'all have to be patient! 'Kay?


Onto the necessary background info!

Setting: Somewhere in China

Time period: ....I don't know!! Maybe the same time period that "Mulan" takes place? Yeah, just some time in the past...

Main characters: Kai (King Noir), Liana (Ladybug), Kiro (Foxglove), Keira (Bumblewing), and Colby (Remmytail)

Language: They will speak English, because I don't know how to write or speak Chinese. Although, I will warn you; the way that they talk makes them sound very pompous and business-like. But that's the only way that I felt justified to write the characters. The language will be modern-ish, but proper, for the most part. (No "thee"s, "thou"s, and Shakespearean language, etc) And there will be no cussing, slang, or impure content.


That is all I will say, for the time being! XD

I just want you to enjoy the story.

After I finish the whole story, if you still have questions, I'll add an explanation page and an analysis!


(The art, above, is not mine. It is part of the video that inspired me to write this!!)


The first part of the story is now posted in the next few chappies, along with pictures and descriptions!



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Have a nice day!

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