4K Special!!!

196 19 102


'Art' made by moi


Oooooooooooooooh boy this was hard to write

I'm so tired I can't even come up with a good intro




It was Katelyn's fault.

The end of the world was her fault, and no one knew...

All the great heroines in the books she read always saved the world, no matter how unprepared they were. But she couldn't do it on her own. 

She had to warn the others.


Paris was in chaos. There was another akuma attack, as per usual, and Hawkmoth really wasn't cutting them some slack. 

The new villian was unlike anything Ladybug or Chat Noir had ever seen. It was like something out of a nightmare. It looked like a horror-film monster--it's body looked like a melted putrid green-brown candle. It had eyes that glowed red, teeth and claws that oozed poison, and a bone-chilling roar.

Citizens were warned to stay home in small numbers, as to not attract the akuma--which was able to smell humans in mass numbers and often attacked them.

Paris' best heroes battled the beast in the plaza near the Arc de Triomphe. But they were growing tired and more desperate. At this point, they were just trying to keep the akuma from escaping their defenses and from attacking civilians.

"--Argh!" Rena Rouge exclaimed as she took the brunt of the blow the monster had aimed at Carapace. Her suit had the nick of a claw-mark on her side. The scrape sizzled as the poison from the akuma's claws burned at her skin.

The team was overwhelmed. They were fighting for everything they had ever loved. It would take a miracle, to save them.

Suddenly, a miracle happened.

An angel descended from the heavens.

In the form of.....an outdated Frenchman with poofy hair?

The man wearing 18th-century clothes had leapt off the Arc de Triomphe and landed on top of the villian. He wrestled with the beast while the heroes watched in shock. He spoke in a fast voice to himself, all the while.

"Watch me engaging 'em," he said in his thick French-English accent. "Escaping 'em, enraging 'em. I--!" The monster had finally dislodged him and managed to knock him off. 

He landed on his stomach with an "--Oof!!!"

The hero team quickly tried to shake off their shock and keep the akuma contained, again.

"Like, sir?" Queen Bee tended to the weirdly-dressed man. "Are you okay?"

"No, Chloe," King Monkey ground out as he tried to distract the creature. "He just fell from one of the tallest structures in Paris, wrestled an akuma, and got flung off!"

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