#30: Kiss The Girl

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I can GUARANTEE that this is not what you were expecting when you read the title.


Art is not mine!!! I'm just using it for inspiration! Just imagine this, but instead, his eyes are black with his normal green cat-pupils.


WARNING: this oneshot is very crazy, would never happen, and sounds like I'm on drugs. I swear I'm not, I'm just desperate to get this oneshot crossed off the list so I can write the next one. XD



Our history books tell us the most important lesson in the world. Never anger a god.

The Vikings knew when the sea was dangerous during a storm that they had enraged either Thor or his father, Odin. The Greeks and Romans worshiped their gods in exchange for good luck and safety. Because they knew not to anger a god.

Especially the god of Destruction.

Plagg was normally a chill kwami. (Kwami, god, same difference) Hardly anything phased him. His rules were simple. Don't mess with his cheese and don't be dumb.

But apparently that was too much to ask of Adrien Agreste.

He'd had a photo shoot that day and had neglected to feed Plagg his Camembert or to take him with him, since it was a pool-themed shoot and there'd be nowhere for Plagg to hide. Adrien insisted that the kwami could wait the two hours until he came back.

Plagg was already hangry. But then he'd overheard Adrien talking to Marinette after school. About how much he likes his "mystery girl" and telling the girl in front of him that she was a really good friend. He was completely oblivious to the fact that the girl he loved was the girl who he'd just friend-zoned. What made the situation even more terrible was when Adrien was walking to the limo, Plagg heard a really quiet choked sob. When he'd peeked around the blonde boy's arm, he saw Marinette, kneeling on the ground with her face in her hands.

Plagg was sure that Tikki was already consoling the girl and that Alya would have a movie night with her. But that changed nothing.

Plagg was out for blood.

He was furious, and annoyed, and hungry. But this was the last straw

No one hurts Marinette. Not on his watch.

Plagg huffed as he sat on Adrien's couch. He had to find a way to make Adrien regret pushing Marinette away. But the only thing he could think of was to rip his couch with his claws and pee on his clean laundry. Unfortunately, that didn't seem too devastating since Adrien could just hire someone to clean it up.

Plagg hissed in anger and attempted to shred his 'owner's designer jacket. Adrien was missing out on the most wonderful girl. They'd kissed several times before, but the doofus didn't remember! He'd even gone so far as to call Marinette his "Everyday Ladybug". But apparently he was to thick in the head to realize that maybe she was ACTUALLY Ladybug!!

Maybe, Plagg thought. If I could just get them to kiss, he'd get some sense knocked into him.

He was so caught up in his plan to get Marinette and Adrien together that he didn't see the approaching purple butterfly until it was too late. The akuma landed on the leather jacket he was sitting on.

Plagg gasped as purple lined his vision. His body felt paralyzed as the sinister villain's voice filled his head.

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