#42: Chatie Kiss

259 17 209

Requested by my child devanshiprakash2007!

I'll be honest, I was a little nervous to write this because:

1. I wanted this to be purrfect

2. I can't write kiss scenes

3. This is technically a self-insert. And I am an awkward person.

Therefore, points 2 + 3 = awkward potato disaster Katie who is inexperienced in the ~love~ department


Also, Devs, yes I am posting this at 3:30am. Don't kill me for my non-existent sleeping habits -_-


I'm just gonna admit that in this oneshot "Katie" is officially Chat's girlfriend 'cause I have NO idea how I could write this if they/we aren't already dating. 

And....um...Chat and Katie are really flirty in this one. Sooooooo yeah. I'm too awkward for this!! Aaaaaaa


Little random note: Be prepared for the next update!! It's gonna blow your mind!!!!!!!


Hopefully this lives up to your expectations, Devanshi!! XD


So....enjoy? XD


The girl curled up in her blanket and splayed out further on the couch. Her long light brown hair was pulled in a high ponytail and surpassed her shoulder. She sat there---quite comfy on the couch and turned the pages of her book. A smile worked its way onto her face and she leaned in closer to the pages. She abruptly slammed the book shut, squealed, and hugged the book into her chest.

"Oh my gosh," she laughed. "I love Keefe!!"

"Who's Keefe?" 

Katie jumped at the voice. She looked over her shoulder to see the one and only Chat Noir striding across the room. 

"Hey Chat," she smiled fondly and reached out to pet his hair. "How was your day?"

The hero flopped down next to her and laid his head in her lap. She raked her hand through his hair and laughed when he started purring. 

"It was okay," he said, nuzzling into her side. "I just missed you." He crooned and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Now who's this Keefe that you 'love'? I need to go beat him up for making you fall for him."

Katelyn giggled and continued to stroke Chat's head. "He's a character from this new book series that I started." She lifted up the cover of the book to show him. "It's called 'Keeper of the Lost Cities.'"

"So what does Keith have to do with this?"

"Babe, his name is Keefe." She rolled her brown eyes in a playful manner. "Anyway, he's just a really funny character. He's really nice, handsome, and---hey!" She hit him over the head with the book. "Don't growl at me!"

"Me-owch, Kit-Kat! Did you have to hit me so hard?!" Chat pouted and rubbed the spot she'd struck.

"Anyway," Katie carried on. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted---Keefe is funny, nice, and handsome. And," she regarded the boy in her lap before continuing. "He reminds me of you."

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