#45: A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 8) (Finale)

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Honestly, I just wanna be done with this whole story, so I kinda rushed it. This sucks a little, but whatever. At least it's finally done.


WARNING: Lots of blood and death


My reasoning for this is because the word is justified in this situation.

(I will pray to the Lord of Blankets that if my mother ever finds this, please let her forgive me for using 1 curse word and let me live to see the next day)


Gahhhh  I have a headache and have absolutely no motivation anymore

The only reason I actually sat down and wrote this is because Toby decided to fall asleep on my legs and I don't want to move and wake him up

I need food.


Enjoy or whatever, I guess


"A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 8)"

Chapter 8: Last Thing

-Previously on "A Tale of Fallen Heroes, Chapter 7: Rusty Roses"-

His own words were burned into his mind. I won't let anything happen to you....not if it's the last thing I do. He had uttered them just the day before. And he had failed.

There, in the forest clearing before him, the rain poured down over the scene. The sun was just up, but no one would be able to tell because of the heavy cloud-cover. There seemed to be a gray overtone to everything Kai saw. Everything was in monochrome.

Except for the roses.

The delicate china roses were different from their original state. Gone was the innocent pink tint of the dainty petals. Instead, they were flaked with a darker color. The flowers were rusted over with crimson. They were spattered with gore.

And there, at the foot of the rose bush, was Ladybug's prone figure in a pool of her own blood.

-Flashes to the present-

King Noir fell to his knees beside the body on the ground. WIth trembling hands, he cradled her head---desperately hoping that this was all just a bad dream. But deep down Kai knew that his imagination could never have conjured this. Not the way her raven hair was strewn across Laila's face. Not her inert figure or her blood-soaked kimono. He could never have pictured the way she was positioned or the way that she labored to breathe.

Breathe. The word made Chang Kai widen his eyes. She was still breathing.

"Mei Laila?! Ladybug can you hear me?!" He begged.

There was no answer---only the slight rise and fall of her chest. 


So that was it. She couldn't hear him---she wasn't conscious. She was already so far gone and there was nothing King Noir could do about it.

MLB Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें