#35: Uncle Jagged

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Okay, but like, I can totally see Marinette naming Jagged Stone's contact info on her phone as "Uncle Jagged." So, what would happen if he got a call from the school about his 'neice'? XD


"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would you like to explain to me how you got in this situation?" Mr. Damocles sighed and rubbed his beard. He placed his hands on his office desk, waiting fo the explanation.

"I did nothing wrong!" The blunette insisted. "Chloe, here," she indicated the blonde brat at her side. "Claims that I tried to sabotage the fashion show fundraiser! But I didn't, sir!"

Chloe Bourgois gasped, nasally. "Of course you would say something nasty like that, Dupain Cheng!" She exclaimed with her hands on her hips. 

Marinette leaned closer to the principal, eyes wide. "Do you actually believe her? Sir, fashion is my life, I would never do anything against it—much less during a fundraiser!"

The bearded principal groaned and buried his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, but if you cannot provide any evidence then I'm going to have to temporarily suspend you and call your parents to pick you up."

Chloe sat in her chair with a triumphant smirk. Marinette, on the other hand, groaned and smiled forward.

"No, I can't prove it, Mr. Damocles, because I shouldn't need to! There's no way this is legal!"

"Actually, the mayor has allowed for this situation, so it is legal."

"That's an abuse of power!" Marinette said, furiously.

"As you cannot provide proof of your innocence," the principal plowed on. "I'm going to call your parents right now."

Mari slumped against her chair. "My parents are in China, visiting my mother's family."

"Oh, that does seem to be a problem." Mr. Damocles stroked is beard.

"Ugh! This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe vented. "Just get the police to escort her somewhere!!"

"Ms. Bourgeois," the principal said, reproachingly. "It is simply not school policy. It would be impru—"

"Excuse me, Mr. Damocles," Marinette said with an interesting smirk on her face. She quickly tried to hide her grin. "Can you have the school call my uncle, instead?"

"Yes, I believe that can be arranged. Thank you for the suggestion, mademoiselle."

"I'll send you his number."

Chloe couldn't help but feel nervous as she watched Marinette give her uncle's number to the school. What was she planning?

Her question was answered, no less than ten minutes later, when the celebrity Jagged Stone came bursting through the doors. 

He stormed in with his guitar slung around his shoulders, his crocidile at his feet, his personal assistant, and a crowd of curious people. He marched up to the principal's desk and kicked up a booted foot to rest on the top of his desk.

"Who's been messing with my niece?!" he demanded in a dangerous tone.

Chloe screamed. "DUPaIn-CHeNG?! JAGGed sToNE iS yOUR UncLe?!!"



Oh, what fun.

I want an Uncle Jagged.




Have a nice day!

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