#7: Balcony Blues

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Shout-out to Jelewsie for requesting a Lukanette! 

Hope you like it!

It was a warm summer night and Luka Couffaine intended to make the best of it. After all, it wasn't often that he had the time to take a leisurely stroll in his free time. He had just finished up with his music gig, so he packed up his guitar and set out to the streets in the warm night air.

Lost in thought, he found himself passing by the Dupain-Cheng Bakery on his way home..

He hummed, contentedly, as the smell of strawberries and fresh baked goods drifted toward him.

He paused upon hearing a female's sweet, melodious voice.  

It was gorgeous sound, so serene and smooth. But the singer's voice was filled with melancholy. So much sadness was laced in the music that it tugged at his heartstrings.

Luka scanned his surroundings, searching for the girl.

After a moment's consideration, he concluded that it was coming from the Dupain-Cheng's balcony above him. 

He gazed upward, and sure enough, he could just glimpse Marinette Dupain-Cheng leaning over the railing. 

Like the concerned gentleman he was, Luka entered the bakery in hopes of comforting the beautiful young woman. 

He greeted her parents, warmly.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. May I speak to Marinette?" he asked politely.

They agreed and watched as he ascended the stairs softly as to not disturb her.

"He's such a nice boy," Sabine commented to her husband. "I wish Marinette would have some sense, for once, and see what's waiting in front of her." 

"What do you mean?" Tom asked, confused by his wife's puzzling words.

She giggled. "Oh, nothing, dear. I'm sure you'll figure it out, eventually."


Luka entered the room and made his way towards her balcony.

Upon softly opening the trap door, he heard Marinette's sorrowful song. Once he reached the landing, he could distinguish the words.

"...and although, I know that he is blind,

Still I say...there's a way for us.

I love him!

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